About Amanda

Welcome healthy-living warrior!

My name is Amanda Froelich, and I am the positive, conscious creator behind Bloom for Life and other works. It is my mission to help YOU learn the secrets of healthy eating and conscious thinking so that you can invite in light and accept the life you deserve.


I grew up in Spearfish, South Dakota very connected to nature, but like most, was afflicted with a long list of health issues. From a young age I experienced labored breathing, depression, chronic acne, being overweight, and feeling sluggish. However I thought such troubles were unavoidable, and it wasn’t until divine synchronicity introduced me to the possibility of holistic, alternative healing that I finally allowed positive transformation to take place.

After adopting clean eating choices and healthier lifestyle habits, most all of my ailments healed. Renewed with a clarity of mind and zest for life, I employed my energy to research and further understand everything I could about holistic healing. Passionate about creating healthy, plant-based, and predominantly live (uncooked, unprocessed) cuisine, I also picked up a knife and took to sharing nature’s remedies in any way conceived possible.

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At age 17 I was working at the world-renowned Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Arizona as a live food vegan chef; at 19 in Phoenix, AZ a culinary artist at the Pomegranate Cafe; and for a year and a half was head chef at a holistic healing retreat Finca de Vida in Costa Rica. Along the same span of time, I obtained as many credentials in the natural healing field as possible, including Personal Training certification from the American Council of Exercise, detoxification specialist credentials from the International School of Detoxification, certification in Reflexology, and Reiki I & II qualification while in Costa Rica. In 2017, I finished my Registered Holistic Nutrition (RHN) Diploma through the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. It is now my goal to obtain my B.S. in Psychology and Journalism.

I travel the world teaching healthy living and conscious creation because I believe every individual deserves to feel radiantly healthy and comfortable in their own shoes. Because most are not aware of how much their mentality, dietary, and lifestyle choices affect their life, it is my mission to teach and offer an alternative resource for conscious, positive change to result.

True, holistic transformation takes place when the body, mind, and spirit are in alignment. You can heal; you can form and retain dynamic, loving relationships. And together, we can all co-create positive, holistic change so a better, more nourished world may result. Will you join me?

Don’t miss out! Join the growing tribe of conscious creators and health-food enthusiasts!



I’d love to meet you!

The best places to connect with me are in the comments of my blog or on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/bloomforlife) and Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/bloomforlife). You can also contact me through this page to ask any questions or find out more information about how we can work together.


Professional Bio

Amanda Froelich, RHN, ACE PT, ISD, is a skilled healer, plant-based chef, and writer passionate about sharing vibrant living resources and healthy cuisine with the world. She is the founder of Bloom for Life, is a talented author who has published several books and resources, and is passionate about helping every individual attain vibrant health so they may experience positive transformation and thrive.
She frequently travels to work with various holistic healing clinics around the world, teaching “high-vibrational” plant-based food preparation and speaking on spiritual-based philosophies of life. Want to book her for your up-and-coming program? Check out her services here.

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