Step aside ordinary Thai food, raw goodness has taken over! How many of you LOVE your Thai food? Spicy, sweet, yummy, creamy… And how many of you miss it since you’ve gone raw? Well no more! There are no excuses when it comes to leading a high-vibrational, purified, healing lifestyle because we can literally have everything we want and more…that leaves us feeling awesome!
So before we begin, let me just say Thank You for all the support I’ve received with my website and my latest E-book. I feel so blessed to be in partnership with you lovely readers and know that there are plenty more great recipes, inspired finds, and happy memories in the future. If you haven’t checked out my latest E-book…Head on over to “Bloom Raw…On a Budget!” and see what that’s all about.
Anyhoo – on to Pad Thai! This recipe may seem like it’s super complicated, but it’s not. There are just a LOT of spices, so use what you have and don’t get too serious about it. I recently made this special for Raw Friday at the restaurant I work at. Twas a hit – let me know your thoughts!
Raw Pad Thai
pad thai


–Pad Thai Sauce–
1/4 Cup + 1 Tbsp Almond Butter (Raw)
2 1/2 Tbsp Lime Juice
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1/2 Tbsp Ginger Root
1/2 Tsp Sea Salt
1/4 – 1/2 tsp Red Pepper or Jalopeno (I like spicy, you choose!)
1 1/2 Medjool Dates
1/3 Cup Water
2 Cloves Garlic
1 tsp Turmeric

padthai5(I may get messy, but it always results in a yummy result!)

—-For the Noodles and Veggies—
4 Zucchini (Medium)
1/4 – 1/8 Head Cabbage
1 Cup Shredded Carrots
Diced Green Onions
1 Julienned Bell Pepper
Chiffonade Basil and Cilantro
—-Spiced Cashews —
1 Cup Cashews

Undetermined amount of the following spices: (Ginger, Garlic Powder, Maple Syrup, Turmeric, Cayenne, Cumin, and Sea Salt)

1) The night before you’d like to make Pad Thai, coat Cashews in a flavorful blend of the mentioned spices, syrup, and sea salt and dehydrate for 8-12 hours on a Teflex Sheet.

These will add a delightful crunch to your Pad Thai!

padthai2( Keep in mind, I quadrupled this recipe to make enough, so do what size works for you!)

1) Chop the ends off of the zucchini and peel half of them. Spiralize into a bowl. Dice green onions, julienne the red pepper, slice your cabbage, throw in some shredded carrots, and feel free to add in peas to your bowl of vegetables. Chiffonade your Basil and Cilantro and set aside.
2) In a blender, combine all sauce ingredients and blend until smooth and creamy.
3) Pour your super-tasty sauce over your mound over veggies and carefully either massage into the veggie party or use a spoon/fork to work well-into bowl. padthai3
4) Plate a decent sized amount on a small bed of greens, sprinkle your basil and cilantro on top, and finally add some of your spiced Cashews to garnish! (Recipe above). Sprouts make an excellent addition.
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Enliven your Life with Fruits and Vegetables!
XOXO Amanda
– Check out my latest video with Dr. Colin T. Campbell (Author of “The China Study”) who spoke last week at my work place. So awesome!

Also… – I’m doing a Chef Demo at Plant Based Nation’s Conference in Phoenix this Saturday…It’s not too late to sign up! PBN