What do you do when you have FAR too many blueberries? (Wait – is it possible to have too many blueberries???)
As I share in my video below (as well as some insight on getting rid of mucus), I was lucky enough to get 4 flats of ORGANIC blueberries for $8…
but that also means being the solo individual in my place – I needed to figure out how to eat them!
1)There’s the typical way, you know… sit there and eat them from the container. That works well.
2) Blend them in everything – except certain savory dishes. Smoothies, Puddings, Apple Sauce…
3) Freeze them. But I won’t do that – because right now they’re fresh and yummy.
4) Eat nothing but blueberries for days on end.
Obviously there’s been some mixing and matching with my options. And although I love the little buggers – full of vitamin A, K, Phyto-nutrients, Anti-oxidants – it can get a little boring eating them the same way.
Who am I to complain, though, right!? And because of that – here’s a delicious raw apple sauce you must try the next time you find yourself with lots of apples, blueberries, and a craving for a delicious and healthy snack, dessert, or breakfast.
Blueberry-Apple Sauce!
1 Container Blueberries
4 Apples, Cored and chopped up
1 tsp cinnamon
Blend in a high-speed blender or combine in a food processor.
Enjoy, get giddy, get super excited, and really, really enjoy this super-simple blueberry apple sauce. This is why I love nature – so easy but freaking yummy!
Off to eat more blueberries…
Want a laugh..? Check out this video – “I can’t run AND be Vegan anymore!”

Comment, Subscribe, Wave Hello, Eat some fruit other than blueberries for me,
Love <3 Mandy
P.S. Check out my latest article published on MindBodyGreen:
“10 ways to start including more plant foods into your diet” here:
