Hey there!

It’s official! Spring is in the air, the weather is glorious, and soon, hot weather will be upon us. I don’t know about you folks, but I intend to chill down this summer in a super delicious way.

No, I’m not talking about heading to the lake and reading in the sun (though that will definitely be taking place, as well). I’m talking about making chilled {raw, vegan} banana ice cream.

When you add carob (caffeine-free) or raw cacao to this recipe, it becomes insanely tasty but remains guilt-free and healthy – truly.


It’s an easy dessert ANYONE can make, and all you need is a food processor or a high-speed blender (like the VitaMix – my fave!).


Use water (or plant-based milk to make it super creamy) and you’ll be the star of any gathering this summer.


Want to know how to make it? It’s super simple. Just follow the recipe below: 

{Raw, Vegan} Chocolate Banana Ice Cream

Preparation Time: 5-10 minutes

Serving Size: 2


  • 3 bananas, chopped and frozen
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon cocoa powder (or raw cacao powder)
  • 1/8 tsp vanilla extract, alcohol free (optional)
  • dash of cinnamon (optional)


  1. Peel the bananas and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Freeze them for 4-5 hours on a plate lined with parchment paper.
  3. Put the frozen bananas into a food processor or blender and pulse until smooth. Scrape down the sides as necessary.
  4. When the mixture is smooth, add the cocoa powder, vanilla, and cinnamon (optional) and blend until incorporated.
  5. For a soft ice cream, serve immediately.
  6. For a firm chocolate banana ice cream, transfer it back to the freezer for at least an hour.
  7. Enjoy!

If you follow my blog, you’re probably well-aware that within the next month – month and a half, my first Bloom for Life cookbook will be coming out. It’s SO exciting.


Here are some glorious food photos from the past few years, most which will likely be used in cookbook (available as a Kindle eBook and Printed book. 🙂

beetjuice2 (2)

More information will be coming soon if you’d like to sign up to receive a notification when the cookbook  available. 🙂

You deserve to live a life you love!