
I eat simply. I LOVE celery. And more than anything – I love combining these two, so here you go! This is what I had for lunch today!



2 Bunches Celery (What is the proper name…bushel, bunches, stalk group?)
1/8 Cup Pumpkin Seeds
2-3 Cups of water
Optional: Dash of garlic powder, dash of lemon pepper, and/or dash of black pepper.celerysoup2

1) Blend on high until completely emulsified, smooth, and creamy.
2) I use my Vita-Mix and make it warm – but not too hot.



This is a great recipe for warming yourself up, detoxing, and enjoying some simple cuisine.


Celery soup is one of my FAVORITES!



Coming up:

What to do with your Juice Pulp?? = CRACKERS Recipe!


“How I healed my skin” Series – at AmandaFroelich.com!