There’s nothing like a light (low-fat), filling, and delicious raw meal that is bursting with fresh flavors, nutrients, and energy straight from the Earth. Because gourmet raw food forgets to focus mainly on living plant foods, I especially love this recipe I made up for dinner… (Actually, I had it tonight!)

Forgive my picture quality – phone camera

The mangoes give a rounded bit of sweet, the sun-dried tomatoes the perfect savory flavor, and the dill adds the zing which makes these 3 ingredients MAGIC together. The only other thing I would add in the future would be a little bit of onion…yum!

Light & Easy Summer Pasta (Raw!)


1 Mango
¾ Cup Sun-dried Tomatoes (soaked 30 minutes)
1-2 tsp Dill (freeze-dried is what I used!)
¼ Cup Water
(*optional) 1/8 Cup onion
2-3 Medium sized Zucchini

(Aren’t these beautiful!!?) I got a whole BOX of Zucchini at Kodiak Produce in Phoenix. I’m going to make pasta EVERY night…yeah!


1) Using a Julienne with ‘teeth’ or a spiralizer, make noodles out of the zucchini squash. (Wash first, please!) Use a big bowl to catch your lovely ‘noodles’!
2) In a high-speed blender, combine the mango, sun-dried tomatoes, dill, and water (plus optional onion) and blend until completely smooth.
3) Using a spatula, empty the sauce onto your noodles. Bless them with your love, and dig in!

Um, Yum.

Just a joke – I don’t really eat this way. It’d make a huge mess. 😉

I ate mine outside on my little balcony. It was beautiful hearing the birds, feeling the sun, and just radiating with the high vibration of the simple meal I was eating. Honestly, this is a low-calorie dish that’s very filling, low in fat, high in healing nutrients, very hydrating, and is super easy to make!

Even my cat loved it! There was nothing left when he finished. (You can read about him being a fruitarian kitty HERE)
What else has been happening? I had a birthday! I’m now 19! Woot.
I bought myself Kale.

Seriously, I dehydrate 1-2 bunches a night in my dehydrator and I wake up salivating to eat it plain. It’s weird, but so delicious. Plus, did you know Kale is super amazing for you!? It’s one of the best greens (in my opinion – and science agrees). Bursting with vitamins, minerals, building amino acids, and made to keep you strong and beautiful (And, it’s SUPER ALKALIZING!) – it’s low in calories and VERY Filling. Plus, I just like the way it tastes.


…And my madre, cousin, and aunt visited. We went and had lunch at the Pomegranate Café where I work! They absolutely ADORED it! We had items like Raw Snickers, BLT Sandwich, Raw Bagel, ‘Sizzle’ Salad… so much food – and all vegan!

Because my aunt works for the government and I’m not sure I’m allowed to post her pic, and my cousin would give me death glares from 4 hours away, this is my mother enjoying her meal. She can glare at me all she wants for posting this, she still loves me. 🙂

 It was a beautiful way to spend my birthday – and somewhat hers, since hers is right after.
 Also – I’ve been finding some beautiful trails to run in Phoenix. No longer settling for nasty roadside running (where drivers do not hold back in their honks or acidic gas emissions) – just head for the golf course! Plenty to find. This morning I had a 6 mile run and took a few of these pictures.

Baby, Baby, Babies…oh!

5:30 AM, so still kind of dark…

Anyways – I hope you enjoy this delicious, simple, and tasty meal! Who knew such simple ingredients could yield a delicious, healthy dinner for one or two which will help you feel your absolute best!? Much Love! XOXO