The beautiful thing about working where I do is that I have the opportunity to play around with a kitchen stocked full of yummy, raw ingredients. Lately, I’ve had an urging to make some Raw Sauerkraut for a special to come… (hint hint – can you guess what it is?)saurkrautpost1
Because I once made some uber-yummy sauerkraut before ( Magical Sauerkraut crackers) and didn’t record the recipe, this time had to be different. It’s kind of a mix of kim-chi and Sauerkraut (I know, awesomeness big time)…but still works awesomely.

Easy Raw Sauerkraut


1 1/2 Heads Cabbage
1 Bell Pepper
2 Jalapeños
1/2 Onion
1 – 1 1/2 Shredded Carrots
3 Tbsp Sea Salt
1 – 2 Tbsp Fennel
2-3 Tbsp Dill
1 Tsp Ginger
1-2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
4 Tbsp Miso (Probiotics)
1/4 Cup Chopped Garlicrawsaur2
1) Shred the Cabbage and Julienne the vegetables; place in a large bowl.
2) Add in the remaining ingredients and massage with your hands. The goal is to break down the structure of the cabbage and get it to ‘sweat’.
3) Let it sit and kind of create a brine which it will ferment in.
4) 20-30 minutes later, squish as much into a jar as you can. (I know, I’m so professional and technical with these terms, but this is seriously ‘Mandy-style’ and it works!)
5) For tradition-sake, place a cabbage leaf on top and compress. I use jars that are sealed air-tight.
6) Place in a cool and dark area for 5-7 days. Come back, check up on it…and be excited at how freaking easy it was to create your own fermented vegetables.
Now, there are other ways to create Sauerkraut that utilizes probiotics nad more traditional means, but I think for anyone getting used to raw or even just trying to create their own at home, this works.
Let me know what you thought about the recipe! I love comments!
Oh, and if you haven’t, you better check out my YouTube channel. I’ve had some amazing interviews and videos posted lately, such as
Dr. Colin T. Campbell Speaking on Healing Cancer (Coming Soon!)
Chef Sara on Healing HER Cervical Cancer & Raw Chef

Andrea Lambert (Raw Chef), Dr. Kim, and Dr. Murphy on Healing Cancer with a Live-Foods diet at An Oasis of Healing

Maureen Conrad on Healing with Reiki and a Plant-based Diet (Coming Soon!)
& My own fun times with my family – we had a RAW Pasta Family Night

There’s a lot always going on – so make sure to subscribe and get my free Smoothie E-book (Look to the right & subscribe!). I’m changing my email newsletter system soon, so you may not get it that much longer.
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Namaste, Lovelies!!!