Inviting in Light

Love the life you lead

You Deserve to Have Vibrant Health & Live the Life You Desire

Inviting in Light is a book that teaches about living healthier and transforming the mind so the external can mirror the healed and nourished inside. You can be healed, experience exhilarating happiness, and live the life you desire because you deserve nothing less! It is your purpose to follow your passion, live vibrantly, and embody your best self. Inviting in Light is the book that teaches how all this is possible – plus how you can get started today!

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It is Your Right To Create & Enjoy The Gift of Your Existence

You are a jewel of the universe, and it is your right as a creative being to adopt habits which support your best self, allowing you to invite in healing on all levels. Despite having followed the plan society mapped out for you, you likely still yearn for more. This is because your highest purpose and individual development is not being nurtured or supported. Because the modern­day world is toxic physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, it’s time you invite in change the holistic way.

Learn to heal naturally, alter your thoughts so your life improves, and become grounded in the truth that you are an all­ powerful manifestation of the creator.

You Have All The Tools to Transform Your Life

All is energy and your potential is limitless! Learn to harness your infinite wisdom and succeed in creating the life you desire by applying tangible practices outlined in 12 easy steps. You only need to alter the way you think and add healthier alternatives to your lifestyle to reap the many benefits that are restored by living in accordance with nature’s laws.

Treat the Deep Cause, Not the Surface Symptoms

Choices made today will affect your tomorrow; therefore it is essential you learn how to remedy the cause of issues which are contributing to pain and separation in your life. Health­wise, you will learn how alkalizing the body ­ while reducing westernized lifestyle habits, refined foods, and toxic thoughts ­ can help you achieve glowing health. And if you seek a brighter, more optimistic future, the wisdom shared (along with applicable practices) will help you invite in healing and assistance so whatever you desire will be made manifest.

“Inviting in Light” is the book that teaches more than just Law of Attraction and spiritual connectedness; it illuminates the need for conscious, healthy change while offering the steps for transformation.

About the Author

Amanda FroelichAmanda Froelich, founder of Bloom for Life, is a RHN (holistic nutritionist), ACE-certified PT, ISD-certified detoxification specialist, live-food plant-based chef, traveling journalist, energy healer (Reiki II), and passionate artist of many pursuits.It is her passion to lovingly share factual and inspiring information with the world so all may create better health, feel empowered to positively shift & transform their lives, and regain divine connection with themselves and the creator.

What is in it

  • 12Steps

    12 Chapters | 12 aspects your being

    Steps To Enrich Your Emotional, Physical, Mental, Social And Spiritual Well-Being

  • CheatSheet

    Printable Cheat Sheet

    At a Glance Keep Your Holistic Well-Being Always On The Radar

  • AcrossDevices

    Compatible With Most Devices

    Read On Your Favorite Devices & Carry it Anywhere


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Also available for print on

  • Amazon Kindle
  • Create Space

You Won’t Be Disappointed

This book shares a different perspective than other Law of Attraction books like “The Secret” or even conventional ‘diet’ books that only offer ‘quick fix’ solutions and frustration. Together in one bundle, you will receive enlightening information about how your diet, lifestyle, mental patterns, and subconscious choices are affecting your well-being and happiness, as well as strong guidance on how to take action and create your most optimal life. Inviting in Light is more than just a self-help book, it is a holistic resource that shares 12 steps for change to help you ditch toxic lifestyle and dietary habits so you may create the life you deserve! Using affirmations, positive lifestyle changes, mental steps for development, and healthy living resources, you will find that you truly ARE meant to thrive and love the life you live.

What readers are saying

  • Anna

    “Inviting in Light” has been the long searched for spark that ignited a flame to a better, healthier, and happier life style. It is a heartfelt masterpiece that provided answers to what it means to be happy and what it means to love yourself. I am forever grateful for the lessons I learned from it.

    — Anna Sharkova, Student, Canada

  • Jacalyn

    Amanda has created a simple, practical, and inspirational book for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Inviting in Light contains valuable, clear and concise information on what one needs to look at to awaken into their happy and fulfilled Self. It is an inspired twelve-step guide that is beautifully and thoughtfully presented, ready to take you to the happy life you deserve.

    — Jacalyn Beckmann, Costa Rica

  • Candice

    Inviting in Light” is a beautiful book filled with sunshine. I love the way Amanda describes easy ways to make happier days. She has a rare and special look on life. I highly encourage anyone who wants to be happier to read this. It’s full of easy to read tips and knowledge that will definitely benefit your mind, body, and soul.

    — Candice Carlson, Minnesota USA

Answer the questions before they are asked

I’m not… Spiritual. Can this book help me?

Absolutely! The thing is, whether you’d like to admit it or not, you are part of this divine intelligence which has created ALL in the universe. You are extremely loved, cared for, and destined for greatness, but just have forgotten. But don’t let the positive ‘airy fairy’ talk hold you back from investing in this book for better health and improved well-being. The laws which are talked about (law of attraction) are based on Quantum Physics and the science of the universe. As all is energy, therefore it is only logic that your thoughts (which now can be measured energetically) vibrationally affect your experience.

The food you eat, as well, can easily be broken down into micro and macro-nutrients to better define the effect on your body. It is not dogma to accept what science has clearly proven: that live (un-cooked, unprocessed), plant-based (no to minimal animal products) foods can benefit your mind, body, and spirit.

If you seek better health, to experience less stress, or healthier relationship with others or yourself, this book is for you. If you seek to understand how happiness is attainable, even if you are not spiritual, this book is for you. In fact, it is 100% for everyone. Perhaps not all will appreciate its content at this time, but it IS a piece of work intended to benefit all people.

What if I want my money back?

As this product is an e-book, there is a “no-refund” policy. However, if no part of this book resonates with you, please send an email to Amanda explaining why, and she’ll do her best to ensure you receive a refund. However there is a 15-day limit on this possible option.


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