Hello dazzling friend,

This week I was writing an article for Life’s Flower and was inspired to share with all of you a very simple and healthy toothpaste recipe you can make at home.

“What’s wrong with my toothpaste right now?” you might ask…

Great question. The thing is, most conventional store-bought toothpastes are full of yucky ingredients that can negatively impact your health (especially in conjunction with other toxic lifestyle choices). We may think a little bit of fluoride (which is associated with brain damage), Sodium Laurel Sulfate (exacerbates canker sores), and triclosan (similar to BPA and causes hormone disruption) is nothing to worry about… but the cold truth is that little by little, your choices add up and do affect your health in the present and long-term.

For that reason, it’s really important we not only choose healthier options when it comes to things like food and beauty products, but also work to reduce our use of such items to reduce the toxic load on our bodies.


And what better way than to make your own super healthy toothpaste? As shared here, coconut oil is just a super amazing product. It’s anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and of course, when taken internally, is very medicinal and is efficiently used by the body. Because it can reduce bacteria that causes dental erosion, it’s also excellent in this toothpaste recipe.

Just whip these ingredients together, store in an air-tight mason jar, and use in exchange for your normal toothpaste. Your body (and brilliant smile) will thank you!


6 Tbsp Coconut Oil

6 Tbsp Baking Soda

(Optional) 25 Drops of Essential Oil (Lemon, Mint, Citrus, Thieves, etc…)

1 tsp Stevia or Xylitol (if you want it to be sweet)


That’s it! I hope you like this tip for healthier living. 🙂 If you haven’t already, check out the recipe section for more delicious treats every week! (And don’t forget to subscribe!).

You Deserve to Live a Life You Love! xo