Hey, friends!

In the spirit of helping more people get set-up for success, I’ve decided to start sharing general meal prepping I do for myself and my husband. I personally adhere to a pegan-type diet (pegan = vegan + paleo), which is low in grains, allergenic foods, and processed ingredients. It requires a whole lotta prepping, but typically can be done in 2-3 hours. I hope this provides inspiration for making your own meals for the week, as it’s a great way to reduce stress, save money, and stay on top of your healthy food choices.

Meal Prep Week of September 21-26, 2020)

Have a great week!

Mandy Froelich

PS – If you’re looking for ways to save money, in general, check out my personal blog, where I dive into finance-related topics and interview entrepreneurs.

Looking for more healthy meal plan inspiration?

Check out the Life in Bloom 7-day meal plan (with a bonus dessert eBook) below!