Hey there, lovelies!

I hope you had a wonderful Halloween — full of yummy (and hopefully healthy) munchies like these no-bake pumpkin spice butter cups.

My boyfriend and I adopted a “Steam Punk” theme for our costumes and made use of them by taking a Lyft to downtown Fremont, Las Vegas. Though it was interesting, we didn’t stay long.

As introverts, Aaron and I definitely prefer to spend our evenings in, surrounded by our cats Midnight and Ariel, and our dog Damon.

Speaking of, did you know we adopted a new dog? Yep, we’ve only had him a couple of weeks, but we are in love. And the fascinating part is that we weren’t even looking to adopt! The situation is further evidence of synchronicity and the Law of Attraction if you ask me.

Aaron and I had just returned to our apartment after spending a night camping on Mt. Charleston (brrrr). We were walking to Target which is literally next door when we saw cop cars on both sides of the fence near our apartment. There was also a tiny husky puppy wandering around…

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We picked up the puppy, who was incredibly friendly. And when we asked the cops if they’d like to hold onto him, we were told, “Can you please hold onto him? Something big is going down.” Apparently, a couple who had lived in the complex did something pretty bad, and abandoned the pup on their way outta town.

So, we got a puppy.

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That’s the biggest development I wanted to share with my followers, as he’s definitely brought more laughs and exercise into our lives — both are always welcome.

Anyhoo, if you clicked onto this recipe, you probably are interested in this delicious coconut dairy-free buttercream frosting [paleo, vegan] which is the bomb and pairs perfectly with paleo (low-glycemic cakes).

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I made this recipe for a banana paleo cake (recipe coming soon), and my mom and I certainly enjoyed it. I have a harder time pleasing my carnivore boyfriend’s appetite, but he’s always willing to try the creations.

I really think you will enjoy it, so without further ado:

Coconut Dairy-Free Buttercream Frosting [Vegan, Paleo, Low-Glycemic]

Preparation Time: 10-15 minutes

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Serving Size: 1 cake or 12 cupcakes


  • 2 cups coconut cream (full fat, organic)
  • 1/2 cup tapioca starch
  • 1 Tbsp stevia powder
  • pinch of vanilla bean powder


  1. Begin by scooping out the thick coconut cream found at the top of the can. Save the leftover liquid to use in smoothie recipes or other baked goods.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the scooped coconut cream, the vanilla bean powder, and stevia. Use a hand mixer to beat the ingredients on medium speed until well-combined.
  3. Gradually, add tapioca starch until desired thickness is reached. Continue until smooth.
  4. Pour the frosting into an airtight jar or bowl and refrigerate until ready to use.
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Though I no longer believe fruit is the enemy (read more here), I still enjoy low-glycemic recipes that feature coconut. Because let’s face it, coconut is aweeeeesome.

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This buttercream frosting alternative was spread on a yummy cake that is very 4th of July in decoration.

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I hope you enjoy this recipe! Please subscribe to my blog if you like this content and are excited to learn more about conscious living and holistic healing.

You deserve to live a life you love,
