
And happy 3.14.15 day! (Pi day, mind you).

I was going to start off this blog in a completely different way, but then remembered that the recipe I’m sharing completely correlates with this incredibly momentous (kind of) day – any excuse for pie, right?… so it got revamped.


As many of you know, I am back in the United States, re-connecting with family, about to move to Boulder, Colorado, and in the meantime sharing a TON of healthy dishes with the family and offering holistic modalities to those in the surrounding area (Reiki, reflexology, nutritional consulting)… Inspired, then, to wow the taste buds of people who have liked my food in the past, yet are still skeptical, I am experimenting a TON with plant-based paleo baked goods. (I’m a fan of anything low-glycemic and unprocessed)

These pumpkin pie bars are just one of the incredible manifestations of the time, creativity, and passion which has gone into the kitchen, and it is a PLEASURE to share them with you today.

I found the recipe from Elana’s Pantry, and knew right away (as I am an avid pumpkin fan) that they were going to be made. (With a few adaptions) My folks were sure happy with the end result.


If you’re not aware, cooked pumpkin is an extremely awesome source of Vitamin A, which is essential for the body’ to regenerate, create healthy skin, nails, and hair, and support eyes health – among many other benefits.

But when people make a traditional pumpkin pie, they pretty much ruin a lot of the benefits that can be derived from pure, wholesome foods. Tons of milk, sugar, and preservative-canned pumpkin go into the (yes, much loved) mixture of pie… and in result it’s just not that good for you.

BUT the great thing about these bars is that 1) there is no crust (so you carb-phobics are off the hook) and 2) they are so simple, easy-to-make, and pretty low-glycemic (if you follow my tip below with the stevia).

*PS – I am just giving you low-carb friends a hard time. I similarly choose to include only fruits, veggies, vegetables, leafy greens, and some sprouted lentils and such as my main carb sources.


But enough of me talking! If you want an awesome pumpkin pie-like treat to give to your family (but in a much healthier, less-processed fashion), you should probably make these incredibly delicious bars (recipe below):

{Paleo} Pumpkin Bars

Serving Size: 16 bars

Preparation Time: 30-40 minutes (total)


Pumpkin Bars:

1/3 Cup Coconut Flour

1/4 tsp Sea Salt

1/2 tsp Baking Soda

1/2 tsp Cinnamon

4 Large Eggs (organic, free-range, local)

1 Cup fresh-roasted Pumpkin or Winter Squash (does work with canned pumpkin if need be)

1/3 Cup Honey OR 1/4 Cup Honey + 8-10 drops of liquid stevia (+ 1/8 cup homemade Almond Milk)

1/4 Cup Coconut Oil


Vanilla Frosting: (Optional)

1/2 Cup Coconut Oil, softened

4 Tbsp Honey or 2 Tbsp Honey + 10 (ish?) drops of Liquid Stevia

1 tsp Vanilla Extract (organic, no additives or colorings)

Pinch of Sea Salt



1) In a food processor, combine coconut flour, salt, baking soda, and cinnamon.

2) Pulse in eggs, pupmkin, honey, and oil until well combined.

3) Stir in the chocolate chips by hand.

4) Transfer batter to an 8 x 8 inch baking dish.

5) Bake at 350 degrees F for 20-30 minutes.

6) Cool and serve.

7) To make frosting: beat the coconut oil, honey (or maple syrup), vanilla extract, and salt together until light & fluffy. Refrigerate until ready to use and soften before spreading on the bars.


What do you guys think? They are an A+ winner in my book.

Just remember: If you are going to use animal products (like the eggs above), seek out QUALITY ingredients from local, organic, and loved chickens who get to roam in the grass, eat bugs, and are fed high-quality food as well.

Much love,

Amanda Froelich