What goes along with a burger than some tasty fries? For health-minded vegans or strict raw foodists, I have TWO recipes and got you covered!
I always make cooked fries here because not everyone is super strict (80 percent raw, 20 percent cooked is a pretty admirable/healthy ratio) and tends to salivate more over real potato fries. *shrug*

The lovely Carmen, chowing down on her Burger plate.burger11

However, both versions are delicious, and for myself, I’m a fan of raw fries…though it’s hard to find Jicama-like foods down here. Hmmm….
This awesome version comes from this cool blog.

Raw Vegan Fries:


1 jicama root or daikon radish (the size depends on how many you’re feeding)
1 teaspoon veg oil (optional but recommended)
Salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, basil, turmeric, paprika (to taste)


1) peel the daikon and slice into fries. Rub in the oil and spices. Dehydrate for 3 hours or in your oven at it’s lowest temperature, (or you could eat them right away if you like).


Cooked Vegan Fries


10 medium-sized potatoes (Yukon or Red work well)
1 Cup Flax (ground)
2-3 Tbsp Paprika
2 Tbsp Chili Powder
1 tsp Sea Salt
1/4 tsp Black Pepper
2 tsp Chipotle Powder
*optional: Lime Juice
1/2 Cup Olive Oil


1) Cut potato in half, slice to make 1/3 inch finger-like fries. Spread on a baking tray covered with aluminum paper.
2) In a small bowl, combine freshly ground flax with seasonings. Mix well.
3) Pour Olive Oil evenly over potato fries and then evenly dump your seasoning over the potatoes.
4) You may wear gloves or just get messy, but work the seasoning and oil onto the fries until well-coated.
5) Bake tray at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes. (I’m not a cooked food expert, so keep an eye on ‘em). Your potatoes should be soft, stickable with a knife.
6) Once done, let cool for 10-15 minutes. Yum, Yum, Yum.
Consume your fries with a lovely sauce such as the Raw Ketchup or Raw  BBQ.
Tomorrow, ladies and gentlemen, the FINAL post of this week’s Cheeseburger Feast: Raw Vegan Burgers!

Put everything together and have a ball – celebrate nourishing, wholesome foods!


Enliven your Life with Fruits and Vegetables!

XOXO Mandy