While walking through the health-filled aisles of my local Whole Foods, a bag of garden-pesto crackers (not raw or vegan) caught my eyes and I was immediately intrigued about the prospect of such a cracker. Um, yum!
And with an awesome client who loves to be surprised with raw treats, I graciously took it upon myself to create a delectable cracker (that could probably use a tweak or two) that nonetheless is pesto-tasting and FULL of nutrients.
Welcome, Garden-Basil-Pesto Cracker
1 Cup of Cashews
½ lb Spinach
25-30 Leaves Basil
¾ Whole Lemon (I found them a little bit too lemony, so you could go less)
½ Cup Nutritional Yeast
1 tsp sea salt
2 tbsp Garden Herbs ( I used everything from oregano, to rosemary, to black pepper!)
¼ Cup Ground Almonds
1 Cup Water
½ Cup Ground Flax
+ extra herbs to sprinkle on top
1) In a high speed blender, grind (separately) cashews, almonds, and flax seed and set aside.
2) With the remaining ingredients, blend in a high-speed blender until completely combined.
3) Add in the ground nuts/seeds (which will thicken it) and let sit for 5-10 minutes
4) Once thick enough, spread on Teflex sheets or parchment paper
5) Let dehydrate for 24 hours (flip after 12) and then take out of the dehydrator
6) Store in an air-tight container for up to two weeks (totally guessing – and that’s if they last that long
7) Enjoy!
These crackers are FULL of anti-oxidants, are high in Vitamin A, Bioflavanoids, healthy fats, are brimming with B vitamins, and are happily made of fat-burners from the lemon juice & omega-3 fatty acids. Isn’t that awesome?
I’d personally recommend you eat with a salad, take them with you for a snack, or have them play a role with a raw dip (like raw ranch, anyone?) with veggies and more.
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Enliven your Life with fruits & veg!