Okay, so this one isn’t as complicated and grand, I guess as some of the upcoming recipes(See the end of this post!)…but it’s so tasty it deserves to be shared.
If you have kiddos – they’ll love this too! Kids are attracted to fresh fruit and this recipe is full of fiber, Vitamin A and C, and amazing antioxidants and phytonutrients to keep you lookin’ young and them thriving healthy!

Raw Mango Applesauce

1 Mango
3 Apples (cored) – leave the skin on, much more nutrition!
Dash of Cinnamon
1) In a high-speed blender combine all ingredients until smooth. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top and sit in the sunshine while you enjoy the delicious benefits of fruity goodness!
If you haven’t checked out my latest hikes in Costa Rica, why not jump over to TravelFruitLove and see the incredible Diamonte Hike?
Also –here’s the latest video I created about “Creating Your Happiness”…It truly is possible – but we have to DECIDE to! Some great resources and educational books are talked about as well!

Too often we decide “That makes me angry!” or “That makes me sad!”…Truly, we have control over what effects us and if we are going to be Happy or Not! Deciding and learning this is the FIRST step towards enlightenment!

And be sure to Like on Facebook so you can see all the pictures of upcoming recipes, like these soon-to-be posted goodies…

Raw Enchiladas


Raw (Nut Free) Chocolate-Mint-Lime Pie


Raw Pizza

‘Til next time…Enliven your Life with Fruits and Veggies!
XOXO Mandy