I’m very heartbroken. Last week at work I created these AMAZING spicy (fiery!!) Kale chips that FLEW off our counter (I package them to sell for lovelies looking to bloom raw 😉 …and I LOST the recipe! (Or some Kale Chip leprechaun stole the recipe…)
I’ve looked high, low, behind my car seat, and EVERYWHERE…but cannot find this amazing recipe, so alas – until I re-create it’s magic, I feel I should still share a very EASY & Basic Kale Chip recipe (because, seriously – who doesn’t love them!?) that’s spicy and will give you a flavor of heat until you get my personal recipe.
It doesn’t quite amount to mine (in my opinion) but is a great beginners version, as mine is a little bit more difficult. (And has lemon…and jalopeno…and red pepper flakes…and cayenne…and cashews –less oil – and …you get the point).
This one is from here: Blythe Raw Live’s Spicy Kale Chip Recipe (http://healthyblenderrecipes.com/recipes/spicy_raw_vegan_kale_chips_with_blythe_raw_live/)
“Spicy Raw & Vegan Kale Chips:
1 bundle organic kale (usually 12-15 leaves)
6 Tbsp cold pressed organic olive oil
2 Tbsp nutritional yeast
1 ½ Tbsp chili powder
1 ½ Tbsp wheat-free nama shoyu OR wheat free Tamari OR 1/4 tsp Celtic sea salt (*see note in post)
1) Simply wash kale, rip leaves from stem, put stems in composter (or juice!!), and tear leaves into small-ish pieces.
2) Mix olive oil, nutritional yeast, chili powder, and nama shoyu together.(In a blender?)
3) Massage this mixture into the kale firmly with both hands, like kneading bread. I find this to be quite delightful. It’s a chance to interact with the powerful nutrients that recreate us. The loving energy we transmit to the food actually affects the food. Especially raw foods because they have a high water content, and water has been proven to have memory and hold energies.
4) Simply place prepared kale on an Excalibur dehydrator tray with a regular mesh sheet.
5) Dehydrate on 105 for about 12 hours.
6) Feel free to omit the chili powder if you don’t want it spicy.
Play around with other spices like fresh cilantro, mustard and cumin.
That’s it! Delish!
Kale chips will store for a couple of weeks. But they always get eaten in a couple of days at my house. They are great for school and work lunches, and snacks.”
Let me know what you think of these! Hopefully I’ll have a new recipe that does justice to the title “Fiery Hot (Raw) Kale Chips” soon!
Many blessings!
P.S. are you following me on Facebook?? (http://www.facebook.com/MandyBloomsRaw 🙂 I post recipes and inspiration quite often and would love for you to not miss out!
And P.S.S. Have you checked out http://amandafroelich.com and my latest post “Sick & Raw?” I’m keeping this site for pure raw goodies and food porn, and the other for everything raw lifestyle –like.