Wow – if there ever was a time I think I outdid myself..this is it. Over and over I heard people exclaim how these Bagels tasted like REAL bread. No way – really? Yes!bagelsnlox
The recipe was mainly derived from Chef James Russel (although I made some minor changes which I didn’t write down), therefore I’m going to give him most of the credit with the recipe. Make these, transform your health, and freak out at how amazing they are. <3
2 1/2 Cups Sprouted Kamut (See Below)
2 Cups Almond Meal
1 1/2 tbsp Flax
Less than 2 Cups Coconut Water
2 1/2 Tbsp Coconut Meat
3-5 Dates
2-3 Tbsp Coconut Oil
2 1/2 tsp sea salt
1) 2 Days prior to making bagels, soak 2 1/2 Cups of Kamut in Water (in a large jar) imagesovernight. The next morning, rinse and drain, and place in a cool place with sunshine. (Is that an oxymoron? I don’t know if that’s technically possible but sounds cool).
2) For the next 1 1/2 days rinse morning and night until tails form on your sprouted kamut.
3) In a food processor, add kamut and process until nicely broken down. Add in remaining ingredients – flax and almond meal last – and process until a nice dough forms.
4) In a bowl, knead all ingredients one more time and allow to sit for 30 minutes to thicken up (minimum).
5) Using an ice scooper or your awesomely cool fingers, form little balls and size out your portions.
6) You can creatively mold into bagel ‘shapes’ and use your finger to form a hole or a utensil that is long and about 1/2 inch in diameter.
7) Dehydrate on dehydrator trays for 12-14 hours at 115 degrees. (After 6 hours I cut mine in half so they would dry faster)
8) Oh yum – serve with cream cheese, Lox, Capers, Tomato, and Sprouts for your Bagel n Lox brunch!
Dill Cream Cheese
1 1/4 Cup Cashews
1 Tbsp Dill
3 Tbsp lemon Juice
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tablespoon Salt
*Optional: 1/8 diced onion added into mixture
1) In a high-speed blender or food processor, combine all ingredients – except optional diced onion-  (you may need to add a little bit of water) until smooth and creamy. Add in diced onion and another dash of Dill and you’re done!
I don’t have an exact recipe anymore (I know, I’m sorry)…but try out this summary/prediction of Ingredients:
3 Red Beets or meat from 2 Young Thai Coconuts
1/2 Cup Beet Juice
1 Cup Olive / Coconut Oil
1-2 Tbsp Braggs Amino Acids
3 Tbsp Miso
Fennel, Black Pepper, and a Dash of Kala namak salt
2 tbsp Lemon Juice
1) In a blender, combine all marinade ingredients. Pour over thinly sliced beets (we’re talking mandolin-thin beets, or use your super-power skills and slowly –and safely – use a knife to create thin slices) or your young Thai Coconut meat strips.
2) Marinate for 24 hours. Give it a wink every time you see it in the fridge, because oh boy, it’ll be yummy!
3) 2-3 hours before creating your finished masterpiece…Place on Dehydrator sheet trays and dehydrate at 115 degrees. This will help soften and dry them out enough for the sandwich and create the perfect texture.

…Put it all together!


Raw Bagels (See Above)

Raw Dill Cream Cheese (See Above)

Raw ‘Lox’ (See Above)




Freshly Cut Onion


1) Remove a warm and sweetly smelling raw bagel from the dehydrator. Indulge in its beauty and awesomeness.
2) Spread a dollop (or more) of your dill cream cheese on both sides of the cut bagel. Add 2-4 pieces of radically delicious ‘Lox’.
3) Next, get creative and pile on the remaining ingredients in any fashion you choose…
4) Bust out in song and dance – then carry your proud little creaiton into the sunshine and much away.
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…and of course, my latest project will be ready shortly in PAPERBACK and as an E-book! Bloom Raw…On a Budget! More information to come, but know that it includes all the essential information to not only heal on a raw diet, but how to do it affordably, save a lot of money, and make creative and easy recipes with affordable staples!

The first week it’s out it will be 50% off, so stay in touch so you don’t miss this awesome opportunity!

Namaste, Lovelies!
Enliven your Life with Fruits & Veggies!
