Hey everyone, I hope you were inspired by the lovely recipes yesterday! If you haven’t been following along this week, every day I’m sharing 1-2 recipes until we make it to our grand finale: Raw Vegan Bac-Un Cheeseburgers with the Works!
So far we’ve covered:

Raw Vegan Pickles


Raw Vegan American Cheese


Raw Vegan Ketchup


Raw Vegan BBQ Sauce


High-Raw Vegan Potato Salad


Raw Vegan Hummus Platter



Today…Let’s make some Bac-un! No piggies needed – just a mandolin or knife, cutting board, dehydrator, bowl, and the following ingredients!

Raw Vegan “Bac-un”


3 Options for your Bac-un:

2 Cups Coconut Meat
1 1/2 Zucchini or
1 Eggplant

As I’m in Costa Rica and it’s really hard to find Eggplant, I opted for the first two. You thinly slice your ‘meat’ choice and marinate it in the following:
Bac-Un Marinade:

2 Tbsp Maple Syrup
2 Tbsp Olive OIl
2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Tbsp Namu Shoyu or Braggs Amino Acids
2 tsp Paprika
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
Dash of Black Pepper

1) Mix all marinade ingredients together in a flat dish or a medium-sized bowl. Add your ‘Bac-un’ slices and marinate for a minimum or 8 hours, ocassionally stirring so all pieces get adequately marinated.
2) On a dehydrator sheet, spread out all pieces of marinated ‘bac-un’ (you may choose to put a piece of parchment on the bottom of your dehydrator as they will drip and will probably make a mess). Place in dehdyrator and let dry at 105 degrees for 8 hours.
NOTE: Eggplant will get crispy if dehydrated long enough. Zucchini will shrivel up but will never get crispy. Coconut Meat will get somewhat of a ‘fatty’ bacon texture, but not exactly crispy either. Just so we’re clear – they’re all kind of different versions.
3) Take out your ‘bac-un’, dance around and sing how much you love healthy food and piggies


Get creative! (Ha – thank you adorable picture). Use it on the burgers, or even make BLTs like this one on Onion Bread! (Recipe to come!):

Stay tuned – more incredible recipes to come! <3

Enliven your Life with Fruits and Vegetables!

XOXO Mandy