I like to keep life on an optimistic note. You never know what will happen, so live in the present, be happy, feed yourself nourishing food, engage in positive promoting habits, and leave the worrying to those that have a lot to learn. Something interesting came to mind the other day while on my run,

“Putting faith into fear is just as powerful as putting faith into something positive”.

I know the Fukushima disaster (among many other world issues) has captured the attention of many, but worrying and contracting conspiracy theories won’t change the situation other than perhaps cause a bad case of hives, irritate your mother in law, and possibly have you committed as the weight of the world bears down on your shoulders. Trust me, I’ve been there. (Well, without the mother in law)
Instead, put your energy and talent into the kitchen to focus on creating beautiful, healing, live-vibrational food that is not only delicious and fun to make, but will keep you healthy, clear-headed, and ready for action no matter what comes.
With that seriousness said, let’s move on to the most amazing Lemon Bars that I’ve ever created! Winking smile
So sophisticated and insanely easy… I decided to make these when one of the trees at the farm gave an entire garbage sized load of Meyer Lemons. Um, score.
Juice, Juice, Juice – so yummy! Add some raw honey, cinnamon, and soar on new heights!
These things were HUGE…! (On another note, I love living in a space where we can grow our own food and reap the benefits of Mother Earth)
{Raw and Vegan} Lemon Bars
Preparation Time: 20 Minutes

3/4 Cup Walnuts
1/4 Cup Unsweetened Coconut
5 Soft Dates
1/4 tsp Sea Salt
2-3 tsp Lemon Zest

Top Layer:

6 Tbsp Coconut OIl, softened
2 Tbsp Maple Syrup
2 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
1 tsp Lemon Zest
*Optional: 3-5 Drops Stevia or 1-2 Dates  (softened)
PInch of Turmeric, to enhance yellow ‘lemon’ color (Optional)

1) In a food processor, process walnuts until a crumbly texture. Add remaining ingredients until a consistent, somewhat sticky crust has been achieved.
2) In the bottom of a glass plan (9×9 would work well for thicker bars, or I think I used a 9 x 14)) sprinkle some dried coconut so the crust won’t stick. Spread crust evenly over the base of the pan and press it together with your hands.
3) In a high-speed blender, combine all topping ingredients together until smooth and creamy. Coconut oil is solid at (normal) room temperature, therefore you might need to melt it a little bit for easiest blending. You can do this and keep it raw by heating up some water in a sauce pan still warm to the touch and putting your jar of coconut oil in the middle. You should get enough to use for this recipe.
4) Pour topping over crust and set in freezer for a minimum of 2 hours. Once hardened and set, cut into slices you’d like to serve.
5) Optional: Sprinkle some cardamom on top. Everyone who tried this loved the Cardamom addition and it looks lovely!


There is beauty and truth in all of life. You just have to know where to look for it and change your perception.

By the way,you’re beautiful too! Enjoy these Lemon Bars, lovely!
XOXO, Mandy
Psssst! If you’d like an inside look at a class I taught to the local Tico village of San Salvador on health (after asked), check out that event here: http://travelfruitlove.com/?p=601

Enliven Your Life with Fruits and Vegetables!