I love ice cream – I don’t like dairy, or tons of nuts, or seeds, or fake chemicals…(yeah, I’m super picky)
I also love Spirulina – it’s so amazing for you! Check out why here.
So when you combine the two, that’s heaven on earth, right?

Spirulina Ice Cream:

Yield: 2 Cups
Prep: 5 Minutes

You will need:

High Speed Blender or Juicer


2 Cups of Frozen Bananas
1 – 2 tsp Spirulina
*(can be optional) 4-5 drops of stevia
Dash of water for easy blending


1)      In a high-speed blender (like the Vita-Mix) cream the frozen bananas with a dash of water until they have received an ice-cream like consistency or (if using a juicer- like the champion- put through the spout until it comes out all ice-cream like.)
2)      Add Spirulina and stevia and blend super quick for good measure
3)      Serve immediately or eat right out of the blender (which I’m so guilty of)
4)      *optional – add cacao nibs, goji berries, dehydrated buckwheat, or your favorite topping!
5)      Enjoy!
See? So freaking simple – and so amazingly wonderful. Love your body, do something amazing for you – like eat this ice cream. Right now. – Mandy