Spook-tacular Raw (& Quick) Oatmeal Cookies

Halloween is almost here, that means it’s time for treats! No? I say Yes!
With these Raw (and very easy) Oatmeal cookies, kiddos won’t need to know what they’re eating is healthy – all they’ll know is it’s delicious!
Raw & Vegan Oatmeal Raisin Cookies:

{Raw, Vegan, Soy-Free, Gluten-Free}

Yield: 12 Cookies
Prep Time: 20 minutes without dehydrating



2 Cups oat groats (whole, soaked & sprouted)
½ Cup Almonds (soaked overnight)
½ Cup Raisins
½ Cup Agave Nectar (or maple syrup)
¼ Cup Cashews


1. Put oat groats in food processor and grind until fine. Transfer to a mixing bowl.
2. Put almonds in food processor and pulse a few times to chop them until just coarsely chopped. Transfer to bowl with the oats.
3. Add raisins and agave nectar to bowl and mix everything well.
4. Grind cashews in coffee grinder, and use this to coat your palms as you handle the cookie batter.
5. Take small chunks of dough and flatten into rounds on the mesh sheet of a dehydrator tray.
6. Dehydrate for about 12 hours on 110 degrees. Dehydrating time needed will vary according to how thick you’ve made the cookies, and the desired chewy/crunchy-ness. :).

See? So Simple!

Indulge healthily and share the holiday Spirit!
What are you going to be for Halloween?
 And if you have kids – how do you celebrate with or without tons of candy?

XO Mandy

P.S. – Have you checked out my Raw-Goodies Factory? I’ve just started an online ‘un-bakery’ business part-time to share delicious and healthy treats!