Surthrival Granola

This should be a staple in life. (Maybe I should just start making it and create a boomin business!) Whatever – anyways, this is a granola I created for travel, but it’s so FULL of goodness it makes a great snack, breakfast food, or even meal if you’re away from your home but need a delicious and burst of healthy (and raw!) superfoods!!

Hence the name, this is Sur-thrival granola. You can not only survive if this is all you have for a while, but you will darn well thrive. Ladies and gentlemen, witness my glorious and valued creation.
Yield: Approximately 2 ½ Excalibur Dehydrator Trays
Prep Time: 25 Minutes (If you’re a perfectionist like me)


2 Cups of Buckwheat (soak 8-12 hours and sprouted for 2 days)- will expand to about 3 or 4 cups
1 Cup of Almonds (**soaked 8-12 hours)
1 Cup of Goji Berries (*optional soaked)
¾ Cup of Sunwarrior Protein Powder (I love Vanilla!)
½ Cup Pumpkin Seeds (**soaked 8-12 hours)
4 Tbsp of Vita-mineral Green Powder
½ – ¾ Cup of Dates (soaked 1-2 hours)
1 Banana or ½ Cup of Chia Gel (3 tbsp soaked in water)
½ Cup of Carob Powder or Cacao Powder
Xylitol or stevia
Dash of Salt
1 tsp Vanilla (alcohol-free)

It will be green. Don’t freak out.


  1.      Put sprouted buckwheat, almonds, pumpkin seeds, goji berries, Sunwarrior protein powder, and vita-mineral green powder in a LARGE bowl.
  2.      In a blender, combine the remaining ingredients until processed and smooth. (You might need to add a little bit of water, like 1/3-1/2 cup)
  3.        Using a spatula, pour the delicious mixture on the whole ingredients in your large bowl. Mix, stir, dance, laugh and swirl it around.
  4.       On TEFLEX sheets or Parchment paper, spread your granola out on dehydrator trays to your liking. Common thickness is 1/3 to ½ inch, depending on your preference. When I made it, I had about 2 ½ Trays.
  5.       Dehydrate for 8 hours at 110 degrees, then flip over and dehydrate possibly up to another 12 hours.
  6.      This will store for quite a long time, but I recommend eating it right away because it’s so friggen delicious and amazing.