Hey, there! 

Well, five more days and I’m off! Off to the land of coconuts, to the city of conscious, minded individuals… to the island of Bali! 

I am so stoked, words cannot comprehend the excitement (and, okay, bit of apprehension) at the upcoming adventure, but I know whatever happens, it will be great. 

One thing I’ve learned from traveling to Asia before, however, is that my schedule will literally be turned on its head.

Last time I traveled to Thailand, it was a 12 hour (13 with time set-back) difference, which meant I was sleeping when I am normally eating (in the United States) and vice versa.

I’m not going to lie. Traveling – especially by plane – is really not all that healthful for the environment or one’s body… But is it worth it? 


Do we live once in this body? Are the oceans blue? Are experiences – no matter the outcome – worth the investment in exploration? 

 Fudge, yes. 

For that reason, I continue to explore the world while whipping up delectable fare for you lovely folks and do my best to live a carbon-free lifestyle in the meantime. I also follow advice from health gurus like Dr. Jack Kruse to minimize the health risks caused by sitting a plane for 20+ hours (YUCK), and am mindful to drink plenty of water and consume COQ10 whilst thinking positive thoughts.


In the end, it’s all peachy.

However, there are some tips – Ayurvedic and otherwise – we can all benefit from to re-balance the body when traveling, and they follow.

1) Practice yoga asanas mid-flight. 

Keep your circulation pumping to prevent body aches and stiffness. Keep moving on the plane, get up and go for a walk every hour. Some easy postures for flying are:
Gently touch your toes, then reach up towards the sky a few times.
Hug your arms around yourself, trying to touch your shoulder blades with your fingertips. Once in that position, stretch your neck by pressing your ears towards your shoulders both left and right.
Holding the armrest, gently twist shoulders and head towards the back of your seat.
Hug your knees to your chest while sitting.

2) Stay hydrated. 


The oxygen used in the aircraft cabin is extremely dehydrating to the body. This can cause dry skin, fatigue, constipation and poor concentration. So drink plenty of water a few days prior to flying and during the flight.
Avoid further dehydration by avoiding the complimentary tea, coffee and alcohol, as these are diuretic in nature. Drink warm water or spiced tea, such as ginger. This helps to keep the fluid levels up but also keeps that Vata in check.

3) Never eat airplane food!

Airplane food (if you can even call it food) is devoid of vitality and nutrients. Combined with impaired digestive function due to the irregular nature and movement of travel, this makes it hard on the body to digest, assimilate and absorb the food, causing toxic build up (called Ama in Ayurvedic medicine).
Try to eat a main meal 1 – 2 hours before traveling and pack something light to eat on the flight such as sweet, juicy fruits. Fruits are ideal, as they’re high in fiber and water content.


4) Fast for 16-24 hours.

According to a study from the Harvard Medical School, not eating for 12-16 hours can help you quickly reset your sleep-wake cycle. The article, titled “How to Naturally Reset Your Sleep Cycle in One Night,” highlights how the discovery can help the average individual not only cope with jet lag, but adjust to working late shifts.

5) Take the herbal supplement Triphala.

People often become constipated when traveling due to the increased Vata, impaired digestive function and disruption of routine. Taking two Triphala capsules at bedtime gently aids bowel movements and tones the colon. Triphala also contains Amalaki, a fruit that contains loads of vitamin C! This will help support the immune system to help fight off any bugs you may pick up on the flight.

6) Have a regular routine.


The more you can keep a routine similar to yours at home, the easier the change will be on your body. When crossing time zones, set your watch to the destination time zone as soon as you get on the plane. Eat your meal when it’s 12-12.30 p.m. destination time, and start preparing for sleep around 10 p.m. This supports the circadian rhythm (body clock) and will alleviate the effects of jet lag.

7) Ground With The Earth & Sun Gaze

In my opinion, there is no better way to sync your sleep-wake cycle than to sit barefoot on the Earth and absorb the sun’s rays (this will help the pineal gland know when to secrete melatonin, a hormone which affects the biological rhythm and more) when you get to your destination. Plus, being in nature is incredibly relaxing and soothing to the soul. After hours on a plane or stuck in airports, you need to alkalize your body and ground – literally absorb the Earth’s healing energies to offset the damage from the journeys bombardment of electromagnetic frequencies.

Happy travels!

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