I suppose it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. When I was a child, there were tell-tale signs some adults today might point out as autistic behaviors.

For example, I hated physical contact. It wasn’t until my hands and feet became so dry that they cracked that my mother would chase me around the house. A bottle of lotion in tow, she would have to sit on me to help soothe my poor hands. At the time, I screamed and tried to shake free like a tiger at a circus.

That wasn’t the only occasion. When my mother and sister, Genneca, sang melodies in the car, the lack of total silence upset me. It wasn’t uncommon for me to yell, “Please stop!”. Now as an adult, I can point out that their singing was and is beautiful. But as a child learning to adjust to the world, it disrupted my focus. To me, it felt like the environment became more uncomfortable.

As a sophomore in high school, I started to become aware of my social awkwardness. Another student pointed it out one day in class. Following a brief conversation, he asked, “Why don’t you ever look at me, or anyone else, in the eyes?” Until that point, I hadn’t realized I averted my gaze. Social interactions are often that painful, it didn’t even register.

There wasn’t any early trauma that contributed to these behaviors. If anything, I had a great childhood… better than most. Because my family lived in the Black Hills forest, I spent most of my free time exploring with my horse, dog, and cats. My inner belief was that I was more focused on education than other teenagers. And for the most part, I wasn’t bothered. While my dating life could have been better, I was able to expand my understanding of holistic health.

Every scenario thus far illustrated was helpful in my understanding of who I am and how I relate to the world. But I have to say, my marriage to Aaron has been most instrumental in helping me to gain more self-awareness. Having someone in your life who will lay out truths, plain and simple, is a superpower. Whether a spouse, sibling, or best friend, I recommend it.

Credit: Pixabay

Because I graduated at age 17 and lived on my own for a decade, I was rarely faced with pushback. Working abroad as a chef and nutritionist did great things for my career and self-esteem. But as I later learned, there were many social norms I was ignoring. Marriage has helped illuminate this. (On a side note, I find this hilarious, as I love to study psychology. But yet, certain aspects elude me…)

It has been amazing to gain self-awareness of the many quirks of my personality. Painful at time, yes. But so good for helping me to figure out more of who I am. The things I get to work on in life are mild autism, ADHD, OCD, and anxiety. Rather than feel embarrassed about any labels or tags, I now feel freer with the knowledge.

How can this be? Well, I am more sensitive than most people. And, this awareness helps to explain more of the “why.” Not only am I sensitive to noises, smells, and others’ feelings, but I sense the Spirit world. Being intuitive, I see and interact with energies on many spectrums. My preference, of course, is to work with the Light. It’s not a “witch” or a “crazy” person thing. Rather, we are all multi-dimensional beings. Our human “suits” are containers for our souls, and we can learn how to perceive the other bands of frequency. The key here is free will.

I’ve always wanted to know more. Being hyper-sensitive, I sought out what I could feel but couldn’t see. Now, I understand that whatever it is, has helped me tune into wider spectrums. And from that, I have gained larger awareness and insights on health and healing.

My theory is those with autism have an innate ability to tune into more than what the eye can see. For this reason, I now consider this revelation as a gift. The reason I am sharing my thoughts at all because society fears what it does not understand. We are all unique and different, and there might always be more going on than you understand. At the end of the day, we should celebrate the gifts that received from the weirdness. After all, this is a weird, weird universe.

ASD Being Incorrectly Diagnosed as Eating Disorder, OCD, and/or ADHD

Please check out this highly educational video below by Kati.

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