Part 2: Juices & Smoothies E-Book!

Did you know that every year, approximately 142,650,000 million Americans (45% of the population!) make a resolution to lose weight and keep the weight off? Similarly, many set intention to a) get healthier and also b) feel better.

That’s probably not surprising… But guess what is?

Only 8% of those that set intention without ANY follow through plan or resources for change actually achieve the results they desire, and most fall back into old habits because they don’t understand enough about their

  1. cravings
  2. dietary and weight-loss needs
  3. and the resources and tools to succeed long-term

For these three reasons and many others, I created a “Juices & Smoothies” eBook which is FULL of delicious and easy-to-make recipes.

This much anticipated e-book includes over 40+ juice and smoothie recipes, FAQ to get started (most is covered in Part 1: The Basics), fun recipe and nutrition facts for every creation, gorgeous photography, and inspiration to get blending or juicing in the kitchen every day.

Why do people choose to consume juices and smoothies?

juices_and_smoothiesWhy not is the big question. Consider the array of fresh fruits and vegetables below:

Most people fail to work their way through just this amount of bountifully nutritious fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, and sprouts within a week – let alone a day… and that’s not good news considering that most dis-eases of affluence in modernized societies stem from lack of minerals and nutrition and acidosis. By consuming more green and fruity smoothies and juices, one is alkalizing their body, consuming more beneficial fiber to keep the colon clean and healthy, and reducing their risk of ever contracting a illness by boosting their immune system, receiving more anti-oxidants, and hydrating their cells with the nourishment they need.

It’s FULL of ideas and inspiration, right?

Check out the LIST of juices and smoothies available in the E-book!


You deserve to receive all the helpful information you need to get started and thrive, and that’s what this recipe book delivers.

Quick Question & Answers

How easy is the e-book to navigate?

Incredibly easy. Check out the following snapshots!
The E-book is downloadable in PDF format and can be read on all devices.

super_herb_preview rainbow_smoothie_preview

You’re getting the BEST by choosing to make this Juice & Smoothie recipe book your ULTIMATE guide for getting healthier and succeeding long-term.

Who is Benefiting From Including More Juices & Smoothies?

People aren’t just shedding weight, getting clearer skin, and experiencing more energy, they’re ditching their medication and feeling what it REALLY feels like to thrive. Sample some of the following testimonials:

“I lost 40 pounds and dropped my cholesterol by 50 points by drinking greens smoothies. I noticed an increase of energy and a decrease in cravings for junk foods. I also dropped weight quickly and went from 147 pounds down to my ideal weight of 107 pounds! Green smoothies are not only delicious, they [gave] me back the body of a 20 year old!” – Tracy Russel (founder of Incredible Smoothies
“I am a middle school teacher of English in Taipei, Taiwan, with a very stressful life. As a result of my annual physical exam, I was told that I had pancreatic cancer, as the CE190 test came at a level of 40. Normal is 33. I felt scared and didn’t want to die. I have two daughters who are still in school and entirely depend on me. Instead of taking a traditional medical way, I tried drinking wheatgrass juice, but I couldn’t tolerate the taste at all. I began to eat raw fruits and vegetables and stopped eating meat and dairy products. After three months, I was again tested. The test again came out with a level of 40. Doctors told me that my cancer was not progressing, but it was also not diminishing. Then I read Victoria’s book and learned about green smoothies. I began drinking 16 ounces of the green smoothies daily, and they became a regular part of my daily diet. I usually used orange juice as liquid, added a banana, and pineapple or mango. The green was parsley, sunflower sprouts, romaine lettuce and young pea sprouts. After another three months, when I returned to do my follow up check-up, the CE190 test showed a level of 28, better than normal! I believe that the *green smoothies saved my life*.” -S. Chiao, Taiwan
“I have started drinking green smoothies and so far, I am really enjoying them! I am close to 300 lbs and my goal is to lose 150 lbs. Thank you for your help!” – Alexandra

It’s Time YOU Start Experiencing the Benefits As Well!

Get access to over 40+ Juices and Smoothies for the price you choose! This book is listed as $13.99 value, but  actually costs $3.99!

And don’t forget – you can get the FIRST E-book (Part 1: The Basics) FREE by signing up for the newsletter.

Your best health, trim waistline, ultimate happiness, and faith in food as medicine await.

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