Hello dears!
What a fantastic, beautiful day to be posting your new addiction a new recipe to the blog!

This morning I woke up to the suspicion that the weather had chilled overnight, therefore snuggled deeper into my covers instead of getting up and dressed for a run. As intuited, beautiful, giant snow flakes were falling outside our house in Lafayette (near Boulder, Colorado), and the light fall transformed the outdoors into a winter wonderland.
In such beautiful setting, it was a joy to heat up a hot cup of tea and just daydream as the flakes fell on by. It also inspired me to share this wonderful, warm, and comforting Nourish Bowl with all of you. And trust me, after you start making variations of this, you’ll never go back to eating cardboard-like processed food. (You’ll just feel too darn good)

…Later into the morning, it wasn’t long until I ventured into town and came across Andrea Liddon’s (from Oh She Glows) new recipe book which is to live for. She is hands-down one of the most inspiring food bloggers I know, as like me, she healed her eating disorder through food and is a self-taught chef and photographer.
Her website is incredible, and after buying and rapidly flipping through the pages of her new recipe book, I quickly became captivated by each gorgeous page and the bounty of delicious cuisine she has created. I highly recommend you check her and her recipe books out. (No commission here, I just love what she’s doing so happily promote it.)

In fact, the photos and delectable recipes were so inspiring they affirmed my own exciting plan to publish – like, really publish, not just self-publish – a colorful, drool-worthy recipe book for Bloom for Life. Readers have been asking, and there are a few e-books available on the site, but nothing substantial that I have yet to really be excited to share… so that’s the next project!

Why am I – and other health foodies like Andrea – so passionate about sharing healthy cuisine?
Because it’s no secret that we – as a population – are getting sicker, even with the advent of new medical technologies and surgeries previously once thought impossible.
You see, the reason people are getting – and staying – sick is because the root cause of their symptoms are not being addressed, which is why I find natural medicine and holistic nutrition to be so darn fascinating. By working with the body’s 4 systems (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual), we can support its healing journey, and in effect grow and transform as the unlimited consciousness we are.
One of the best ways to begin getting healthier and heal naturally is by making food your medicine, and there is no better way to start (in my opinion) than by indulging in a green smoothie every morning and a salad or a nourish bowl like the one shared below.
Nature truly knows best, and we can heal holistically and shine as the bright lights we are – inviting in the opportunity to live a life we love – when we support that process and return to our roots. 🙂

Pictured {shredded carrots, sliced cucumbers, purple sweet potatoes, quinoa, chickpeas, hemp seeds, avocado, roasted brussel sprouts, red onion, cherry tomatoes on top of romaine and spinach lettuce}

So enjoy this guide for creating Nourish Bowls – photos courtesy of NutritionStripped (until I am completely settled and can create similar, gorgeous food art). 🙂
Nourish Bowl
A nourishing and hearty salad with healthy fats, alkalizing green vegetables, and protein.
Preparation Time: 15-30 Minutes
Serving Size: 1
2 Cups Lettuce or Spring Mix, roughly chopped
1/2 Cup Marinated Kale (cut into bite-sized pieces and rubbed with EVOO and sea salt)
1 Cup Spinach
4-5 Roasted Brussel Sprouts
1 Roasted Sweet Potato, shredded or diced
1/2 Cup Carrots, shredded
1/4 Cup Cucumber, thinly sliced
1/4 an Avocado
3 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast
3 Tbsp Hemp Seeds
2 Tbsp Hummus (your choice, or make your own here!)
Fresh-squeezed Lemon Juice
2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
Dash of Kelp Granules
Dash of Cayenne Pepper (optional)
- Start by filling a large salad bowl with the dark leafy greens.
- Next, top with all the remaining vegetables, sweet potatoes, and hemp seeds; piling them in their own “spot” in the bowl (as pictured).
- You can arrange each ingredient in a pile and then wait to stir everything together, or you can simply top the dark leafy greens with all the remaining ingredients at the same time and stir thoroughly.
- The nutritional yeast + the hummus + the apple cider vinegar makes for a thick and creamy dressing on it’s own.
- Serve and enjoy!

And guess what? You can make ANY kind of Nourish Bowl if you have some creativity and inspiration to consume delicious, healthy food. Follow the guide below to create your own version based on the ingredients you have on hand:
Greens | spinach, romaine, arugula, kale, micro greens, sprouts, mustard greens, swiss chard, etc.
Proteins | tempeh, beans, quinoa and lentils (starchy-proteins), hemp seeds, nuts/seeds, nutritional yeast (not a “protein”, but loaded with plant-based protein). Vegetarian friendly (ovo-, pesca-, lacto-): farm fresh eggs and wild-caught fish. Animal proteins: quality sources only.
Healthy fats | avocado, olive oil, olives, nuts, seeds, hemp seeds, grapeseed oil, sesame oil, truffle oil
Veggies | carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, snap peas, peas, radish, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower; any and all veggies you enjoy!
Carbohydrates | sweet potatoes, quinoa, millet, brown rice, wild rice, beans (starchy-protein), corn and peas (starchy veggie).
»Fruits: strawberries, pears, banana, papaya, mango, grapes, raspberries, apples, etc.
Add-ons | fermented veggies like kim chi or sauerkraut, homemade salad dressings [try my favorite Raw Caesar Dressing], kelp/dulse granules and flakes for added iodine and minerals, nutritional yeast, homemade hummus, apple cider vinegar (a must!), fresh lemon juice
Dressings | my favorite is 2 tablespoons hummus + 2-4 tablespoon apple cider vinegar + 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast = a super thick and creamy dressing. Yum!
So what do you guys think? How can you not drool over something this fresh and tasty looking?
Let me know if you already make similar in your home, or if you have ideas of other variations readers from around the globe can try out. 🙂
As long as there remains easy-to-access information for all of us to freely benefit from, we will grow into a more peaceful, healthy, and loving population – that I am sure of. It may take some time, but the positivity I hold towards this vision only fuels it further, and so I ask that you, too, try and put in some good thoughts for the collective to speed up the momentum we all “wake up” and help us be as nourished and happy as possible.
Do what you love, be a positive, glowing example, and help create a world where everyone is inspired to Bloom for Life.
Don’t you think it’s time you live a life you love? Bloom for Life.
Amanda Froelich