By Mandy Froelich / Life in Bloom 

Hey, friends!

Well, I’m officially 26. I know, “big deal.” But to me, it kind of is this year. 

Typically, I don’t care about the marker of being on this planet. But now that I’m maturing as an adult, the way I’m chronicling life in my mind is changing. 

I don’t see life as a random sequence of events with us all trying to capture a piece of it for ourselves. Rather, I see it as a fantastical manifesto of collaboration on a vibrational realm that is primarily controlled by our thoughts and emotions. Equipped with this awareness, my life continues to get better and better each year. Because this post is for me, I’m going to go into some detail… 

When I was younger, I suffered from really low self-esteem, chronic acne, and a depressive mentality. This was before I understood how food and lifestyle affects our mental/emotional well-being and implemented changes to live healthier. Even though I dwelled on many things I couldn’t change, there were always some desires that never faded. Those include: 

  • A loving husband
  • A wonderful family (whether furry pets or children someday)
  • Work doing what I love
  • Fulfillment from the pursuit of knowledge
  • To live in a beautiful and inspiring place
  • A strong connection to Spirit

Well, I have been gifted all of these — and before I’m even 30. So to me, I have “succeeded” in life. The gratitude that comes from this feeling is overwhelmingly awesome. I am so humbled by having loving people and animals in my life. No matter what I face, I think, this will always keep me going. And that really is all I wanted to share. 

By documenting my life and “feelings,” I hope to create an archive of online journals that I can someday look back on and appreciate. I am grateful for this life. I am grateful for you. I am grateful for the opportunity to help humanity awaken to greater truths and potential, and I am so astoundingly grateful for those who are part of the journey. 

Hiking Lion’s Lair & Sunshine Canyon 

For the actual “birthday celebration,” I went hiking with my love, Aaron, and our friend, Bee. Because I’m a Cancer-Leo cusp and we were going to see The Lion King (I’m pretty sure the remake came out for me), it seemed like a fitting location. 

The movie… *wipes away tear* … made me bawl like a 5-year-old. “Nuff said. 

I hope you all have a LOVELY last week in July. It’s going to be toasty, but you can stay cool with some of my favorite juices and smoothies recipes. 

