Many steps are ongoing towards creating a sustainable environment by reducing the amount of waste produced yearly. On average, a million items are made for one person every year in terms of food, clothing, and electronics, most of which they don’t need. Unnecessary items become trash, which turns into waste that contributes to millions of landfills globally. Below are some zero waste lifestyle habits you should adopt to create happy earth.

Start composting

Plastic is the most insidious form of waste that people tend to avoid in a bid to live a zero-waste lifestyle. However, food, paper, and plant waste account for almost 40% of all landfill waste. Although food and plant waste is biodegradable, it requires oxygen to breakdown. There isn’t available oxygen when this organic waste when buried under garbage. Ultimately, it breaks down anaerobically, producing methane gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect.

Avoid food wastage by preparing meals that you can finish, avoid buying foodstuff that will expire soon, and separate food waste from other waste. Use food and other organic waste like plants and paper as compost for your garden.

Reuse, recycle, or repair items

Many households and workplaces dispose of items when they stop working or become obsolete. Sometimes, new materials in the market are enough reason to do away with the old. However, to achieve a zero-waste lifestyle and sustain the environment, repair broken items and reuse others for different purposes. For example, you can reuse your coffee cup and water bottles or consult with a 24 Hour AC Repair for your HVAC system when it breaks down instead of buying a new one.

Although recycling is the last option in the 5Rs of zero waste, it doesn’t mean it’s not an option for materials that don’t have an alternative means of disposal. Few places offer recycling services for materials like textiles, batteries, and Styrofoam; check for nearby locations to drop them off.

Go paperless

As the digital era grows globally, you must embrace technology and do away with paper use in workplaces, at home, and in school. Once a paper completes its usage, it contributes to the clutter in your area and ends up as waste. Use digital tools like emails to send information, back up your data, and store it in the cloud instead of using hard copy files.

Do bulk shopping

Mindless shopping and impulse buying contribute a lot to unnecessary waste. Plan for shopping dates and write shopping lists to avoid buying stuff that you won’t use. Shop in bulk for items that you use daily and those that won’t expire fast, like cereals. This way, you avoid making many trips to the store where you are likely to shop impulsively and bring in more packaging papers home.

Additional ways to embrace sustainability at home

As well as making it your mission to reduce waste, you can embrace sustainability at home and go green by adopting more environmentally-friendly ways to travel, searching the Internet for solar providers near me, and using less energy and water. Share lifts to work with colleagues, use eco-friendly public transport or consider swapping to a hybrid or an electric vehicle. Explore renewable energy sources and compare quotes for your home. It’s an excellent idea to see if grants or incentives are available in your area if you do choose to have solar panels installed. Finally, try to reduce your daily consumption of water and electricity, and gas by switching appliances off, using energy-efficient light bulbs and smart appliances, and showering rather than bathing. Small changes can make a big difference.

Bottom line

You owe it to yourself, your family, and the coming generations to maintain a sustainable environment. Practice zero waste habits like recycling, reusing, and repairing to make happy earth. Avoid buying more stuff than you need through impulse buying, start composting waste, and go paperless.

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