Yum – don’t you love eating food that you can sit down and count all the health benefits from it at the same time!?

This recipes is…

*High in Potassium
*Blooming with healthy medium-chain fats which aid skin health, digestion, give a glowing complexion, help you lose weight, and ensure good brain function and health!
* Abundant in Fiber – which means you’ll have a lean body and a healthy colon!
* Great for decreasing inflammation! Cinnamon and alkaline fruits and vegetables help the body detoxify, and in result decrease the main culprit seen behind all ‘diseases’.

This recipe is also SO simple, so for those of you like me who like to get their food fast, it’s a double winner. I could literally feel my cells just glow with energy and vibrancy while and after eating this. Okay, now on to the recipe!

Beauty Banana Morning Cereal


4 Bananas
1/2 Cup fresh, meaty Coconut
*optional: raw honey or dates to sweeten


1) In a bowl, peel and slice your bananas.
2) In a Vita-Mix or other high-speed blender, put coconut meat and enough water to cover 3/4 full and blend until smooth and creamy. – Add in your dates or raw honey in this stage if you want it sweeter.
**Note:** (You may strain if you don’t want a pulpy milk, but I like the consistency so I leave as is).
3) Pour your milk over your delicious, healing bananas and sprinkle some cinnamon on top.
4) Most Important Step: Add a little blessing over your food – give thanks for life and delicious, healing plants, and go enjoy in the sunshine! <3


Mmmm… Look at what’s coming up next! I made some amazing ‘Mock Tuna’ Nori Rolls (the real kind, not my low-fat Amanda version…lol) with an Asian Dipping Sauce.. um, yum!
Beautiful people, yummy food – fun times! So Subscribe, Like on Facebook, and…

Enliven Your Life with Fruits and Vegetables!

XOXO Mandy