If there’s something I could live off of, it’s this soup right here. Celery is Soooooo cleansing and detoxyifing, not to mention super mineralizing and well, just darn tasty.

If you use brazil nuts as well, not only are you getting a mega dose of selenium and zinc, but you’ve got a beautifying soup that will keep you young, glowing, and supremely healthy.

Yield: Approximately 4-ish cups
Prep Time: 5 Minutes (Right on!)
Tools: You will need a high-speed blender for this recipe! Vita-Mix is awesome because it can make it toasty while keeping it raw and not destroying the enzymes!


½ Bunch of Celery
¼ Cup of Brazil Nuts (or soaked almonds)
Dash of Spices
*(optional) Nutritional yeast



1.       Put all ingredients in Blender, and blend on High

  1.      If you have a vita-mix, blend for 4 minutes until it’s hot
  2.      If you have a regular blender, blend until completely smooth and creamy, then if you wish put in a pan on the stove so it reaches a warm temperature if you want it warmer.

2.       Enjoy!