Hi Cheryl, I hope you’re reading this. Everyone else – welcome as well! These amazingly delicious chips are dedicated to a special lady that has been so supportive of my raw food creations in Phoenix (and always asked for these snacks whenever possible). After many different versions, I think I finally struck gold (and remembered to write down the recipe!) with these ahhhhmazing chips.
They’re the PERFECT ratio of sweet, crunchy, melt-in-your-mouth…oh shoot, I think that’s drool on the laptop. Anyways…these taste so much like this Asian Dressing I always used to indulge in with my mother…except this version is so much healthier…therefore, that makes this double win. Plus everyone else really enjoyed them ( I think the words were…”These are one of your BEST”…I’ll take that as a compliment, I think).
Enough – let’s get down to it and start snackin’ the healthy way!

Asian Kale Chips!

Yield: A lot.
1/2 Cup Sesame Oil
1 Cup Maple
1/2 Cup Braggs Amino Acids
1 1/2 Cup Fresh-Squeezed Orange Juice
1/2 Tbsp Powdered Ginger
1 1/2 Tbsp Fresh Ginger, chopped
1/2 Tbsp Garlic Powder (*optional)
3-4 Cloves Garlic
1/2 tsp Sea Salt (*optional)
Dash Cayenne
1/2 Cup Cilantro, chopped
1 Cup Cashews
1) In a high-speed blender, combine all ingredients and set aside.

(Kale is an EXCELLENT source of Vitamin A, all essential amino acids (protein), and many oxygenating and alkalizing nutrients. Yum!)kale

Chip Veggies

With the large volume of sauce the amount of veggies are in relation to the quantity.

4-5 Bunches Kale
2 Cups Carrots, shredded
1/2 Cabbage, shredded
1) In a LARGE bowl, place roughly chopped kale (about the size of your palm) with shredded carrots and cabbage. Set aside and wait to put it all together.
Crispy Almonds
1 1/2 Cup Almonds
1/4 Cup Maple
1/8 Cup Braggs
1/16 Cup Lemon Juice (Yeah, getting pretty technical)
Dash Cayenne
1 Tbsp Ginger Powder
1/2 Tbsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Sea Salt
1) In a bowl, mix all ingredients. Set aside.

Put it all together!

1) Pour Asian Dressing over your big bowl of prepared veggies. Mix really well – get into the crevaces of the kale and massage all over. (You might want to use gloves…or something. Or have a tongue ready to lick your fingers off, because this stuff is sticky).
2) Add in your almonds. Mix again.
3) Now spread onto dehydrator trays and dehydrate for 12 hours at 115 degrees. If you don’t have a dehydrator, put the lowest temp on in your oven and crack the door. It should only take a few hours and they won’t be all raw…but they’ll definitely be much healthier than any other snack!
If you enjoyed this, send me a little winky face, a comment, or just like this post and share it with all those you love and hold dear.
And guess what?! 3 Days before I leave for Costa Rica! If you haven’t checked out http://travelfruitlove.com, head on over there because that’ll be my main travel blogging site. I’ll still post recipes as I work/exchange as a chef at the Finca De Vida (Farm of Life) health retreat, but that’ll be the coooolest content.
Tomorrow is also my “Raw Foods…On a Budget!”Class! We have a BIG list coming, so they’ll be some exciting content going down over there! Check out the link on the left-hand side of the page for more info on my class.
I have Raw Corn Chips (which economically are only about 50 cents a serving compared to a bag of chips at a gas station for $1.50 ….
Raw Apple-Cinnamon Granola and a Blooming Raw Green Smoothie which will all be demonstrated…along with extras on How to save money on Produce + More.

(Look at the cute snack arrangement my friend created for my last day at Pom! Too cute)cutefruitsnacks

If you can’t make it, be sure to check out my book! Plenty of content in that as well and it’s a great deal on how you can immediately start saving money and improve your health with a raw vegan lifestyle.
Okay lovelies, that’s about it! I hope you enjoyed this recipe. There will be plenty of more to come!