By Mandy Froelich / Life in Bloom
Hi, friends!
By now, I think you know I love to use leftovers in recipes. For instance, extra raw soup can be made into crackers (just add 1/4 – 1/2 Cup ground flax and more herbs, spread on dehydrator trays and voila!). And, juice pulp can always be recycled into crackers, such as this cinnamon-apple breakfast bread.
For this beautiful creation, I used juice pulp from this BEET-U-FUL Beet Juice and freshly made carrot pulp. The rest came together – a dash of this, a sprinkle of that – and turned out wonderful!
So please enjoy this raw breakfast bread, it’s delicious with some fresh fruit and homemade almond milk. I also mixed 1/3 amount of raw honey into raw nut butter and put a dollop of that on guests’ plates as well. Yum!
Cinnamon-Apple Breakfast Bread [Live Food, Vegan]
Preparation Time: 10- 15 minutes
Serving Size: 1 1/2 Trays (4-6)
- 1 1/2 Cups Leftover Juice Pulp (Beet, Apple, Carrot, Pineapple, Celery, etc..)
- 2 Cups Carrot Pulp
- 1 Cup Walnuts, Ground
- 3/4 Cup fresh Dates, soaked 30-40 minutes
- 1/2 Tablespoon Cinnamon (or more!)
- 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
- Dash of Sea Salt
- 6 Bananas, roughly chopped
- 5 Apples, roughly diced
- 1 Cup Raisins

- In a medium-sized bowl, add juice pulp.
- In a high-speed blender, combine bananas, dates, vanilla, apples, cinnamon, sea salt, and just enough water (about 1/8 cup) to blend with a tamper until smooth and creamy.
- Add to your juice pulp mix. Add in ground walnuts and remaining ingredients. Stir with a large spoon.
- Feel free to add more cinnamon if you love cinnamon-raising fruit combinations. Next, using Teflex sheets, spread 1/2 inch-thick on Teflex sheets and dehydrate for about 12 hours (overnight works well!), flipping when the ‘bread’ retains it’s texture.

**Note, you’ll want to score the bread before-hand so it turns out already sliced and appealing.**
Serve with fresh fruit, almond milk, and nut butter! This is an easy, affordable creation to prepare for friends, family, or health-conscious guests. Enjoy!