We’ve talked before about how to honor your grief by accepting it. Losses that cause grief are real, no matter how big or small they might be. Grieve how you want to grieve and be fully aware of what you’re going through. Trying to hide your emotions away won’t help. But, once you have accepted that you’re grieving and need to heal – then what? What are some natural, healthy things you can do to take care of yourself and work through the grieving process in a productive and effective way? 

Let’s take a look at a few of those solutions that you can put into practice. Experiencing a loss of any kind is never easy. But, knowing how to work through it safely will help you get to the other side and keep going forward with your life. 

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Accept Support

You don’t have to grieve alone. Ever. 

Once you’ve accepted your loss, accept help from others to get you through it. It can be easy to think your grief is burdensome, but it’s not. The support system in your life will be happy to walk with you on this journey. 

Not only can the people in your life provide a shoulder to cry on, but they might be able to come up with creative ways to help you move on while honoring the legacy of what you lost. For example, if you’re having trouble dealing with the loss of a loved one, a friend might suggest biodegradable cremation urns that will allow you to either “stay” with that individual, or bury them somewhere and find closure. 

Express Yourself

As stated above, there is no wrong way to grieve. Everyone experiences it differently, so everyone can express it differently. If you need to scream, scream. If you need to cry, cry. 

Once you have accepted your emotions, try to find healthy outlets for releasing them. Do you like to draw or paint? Try to express your emotions through your creativity. Are you a writer? Do some creative writing on how you’re feeling or the world around you. 

Whatever you do, make sure you find healthy ways to express yourself, rather than looking for ways to “forget” or to numb the pain of your loss. Expressing your emotions is about releasing them, not holding them inside or covering them up with something else. 

Get More Rest

Let’s face it – grief can be overwhelming. Your mind is likely going in overdrive, you might be handling new challenges and responsibilities, and people might be looking to you to help them deal with their own grief. 

While staying busy can offer a welcomed distraction, it isn’t the healthiest thing in the world. Not giving yourself time to rest and relax can cause you to burn out. Doing so can trigger feelings of anxiety or depression, starting you down a negative mental health spiral that will be harder to escape. 

No matter what your schedule might look like, give yourself time to rest. Getting enough sleep each night is crucial, and if you need a designated time during the day to close your eyes or simply meditate, schedule it for yourself. You can also use this restful time to practice mindfulness, pray, or meditate. Spirituality can go a long way in helping you feel rejuvenated. 

Get Involved in a Meaningful Activity

One of the struggles people often face when they’re dealing with loss is trying to find meaning in life. It’s far too easy to feel hopeless, or that the thing you lost was the only thing worth living for. 

You can combat those feelings by getting involved in something meaningful to you. Volunteer for a charity you’re passionate about. Or, help someone in need. Get your hands dirty in your own community, and do what you can to help others along the way. 

Not only will an activity help to keep you occupied but it will make you see that there are still plenty of “good” things in life that you can be a part of, even after the loss you’ve experienced. 

You don’t have to ever forget the person, job, relationship, or situation you may have lost. In fact, remembering is a privilege. But, remembrance and acceptance should always go hand-in-hand. Accepting your loss will eventually lead to accepting the fact that it’s time to move forward. Don’t let anyone rush your timeline, and work at your own pace. But, when you’re ready, it’s possible to naturally heal on your own when you’re dealing with grief. Keep these tips in mind to do it safely and effectively. 

When you do, you can turn the page and officially start your next chapter of life.