Hey friend!

On this delightful Sunday I’ve been mulling over what recipe to share with you this week (which may, in fact, soon be more than just once per week – oh goodie!)… but was stuck between sharing a delightful raw and vegan entree or a fun and grain-free paleo breakfast/dessert. (Just look at the title, you can figure out which one won…)

But I also wanted to mention something else while I have your attention. As a well-studied and very open-minded holistic healer, I very much believe that not one body is completely alike, though there are patterns and similarities we can learn from and introduce into our theories. Due to genetic predisposition, blood type, ancestral ways of living, the amount of stress each of us are exposed to, previous foods we’ve eaten in our own lives (and the damage they might have caused, especially in the gut), and more… We’ll never agree on one diet – ever.

I believe this, but am also very optimistic, as I still maintain that a predominantly plant-based diet is optimal. When it comes to including various proteins, however, that choice is up to the individual. I have fought with this logic on a spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical level, and have finally decided to give up the fight.


Simply put, I’m following the wisdom of my own body and teachers like Jack Kruse, and have begun experimenting outside of the full ‘vegan’ circle (which I mentioned here). In effect, I will also be expanding Bloom’s recipes as well. Very shortly you’ll notice that the term ‘Ketogenic’ on the side bar will be switched to ‘Primal’, because yes, I will be including some meat-containing dishes now and again.

We tend to forget – when caught up in our dietary dogmas – that paleo/primal and vegan/vegetarian circles agree on 80% of the same truths when describing what it means to live and eat ‘healthy’. As these two demographics together are still a minority in the US and world, I will be sharing healthy plant-based focused dishes in the hopes that those who have not yet stumbled across the message of ‘Food as Medicine’ may serendipitously stumble across this blog and find zest to begin introducing healthier fare while making their health a priority.

THAT is a big part of what this blog is about and who it was created for. Bloom for Life is for the people who desire help and are ready to embrace change with an open-mind. I hope you accept this change as well, as I love having you as a part of it. 

That said, let’s get on to this delectable scone recipe!


I am absolutely in love with low-carb baking, as I get to use my favorite foods when making muffins, pancakes, and other baked goods. What are they? Almond FlourCoconut Flour, & Fruit – yippeee!

Throw in some fruit, a few simple binders (like egg or flax – egg works best with coconut flour), and voila! A super healthy take on an originally unhealthy favorite. And believe me, when you can get a recipe down to 4-6 ingredients, you know it’s an optimal recipe to experiment with.

Try out these wonderfull delightful scones and get back to me! (Holla Holla in the comments section below)

Lemon-Blueberry Scones [Grain-Free, Paleo, Low-Sugar]

Preparation Time: 30-ish Minutes

Serving Size: 8-10 Scones


2 Cups Almond Flour

1 Cup Coconut Flour

1 tsp Baking Soda

1/8 tsp Sea Salt

Zest of 1 Lemon

2 Eggs

2 Tbsp Honey

2 Tbsp Fresh Lemon Juice

3/4 Cup Fresh Blueberries


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  2. Add the almond flour, baking soda, salt, and lemon zest to a large bowl and stir to combine.
  3. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and add the wet ingredients. Starting in the center, stir the dough until well combined. Fold in blueberries.
  4. Using a large cookie or ice cream scoop, drop the scones onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Lightly wet hands and gently flatten the tops of the scones. They should be about 1 inch thick.
  5. Bake 18-20 minutes, until the tops are golden brown. Cool on wire rack.


  1. Let these babies cool then serve with some lovely coconut oil or ghee. 
  2. I suspect these also freeze well, but have no idea why you’d want to put these in the freezer when you could indulge in them with your family. 😉


I love you. And thank you for taking the time to read my explanation above. I hope that no matter what ‘dietary dogma’ you prescribe to, you can maintain an open-mind and above all listen to your inner truth. Let’s all Bloom for Life together!

And don’t forget to check out “Better-than-Grandma’s Chocolate Chip Cookies” here. Those little offerings of love are insanely good.


Blessings and more, 

Amanda Froelich