It’s exciting making a gourmet raw dinner for people and not only hearing the pleasing moans come off their tongues as they sample the first bite of their dish, but a light perk in their eyes and a smile creep onto their face.
Food has the power to heighten our awareness and bring us pleasure…But the reason I love sharing and creating raw foods is because there’s a LOT to be grateful for – and it’s a true pleasure! Unlike foods which stimulate the adrenals and create blood sugar imbalance (which, okay, sometimes raw foods aren’t the best combined), you can make an entire list of all the health benefits of certain foods in a dish and feel good about the contriubtion you’re giving your body.
For those transitioning or just wanting a healthy alternative, this is the perfect answer. This was an entrée that received amazing feedback and I hope you enjoy!

Raw, Vegan Enchiladas!

For the Wrap, I used the same method I did in the Mediterranean Falafel Wrap. They’re very easy and super delicious.. Plus, they hold together REALLY well!
Instead of doing a circular wrap, however, I spread the entire mix into a square, the size of the Excalibur tray. I then cut into four pieces to make an enchilada.

Walnut Meat:

2 Cups Walnuts
1 Cup  Almonds
2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 1/2 Tbsp Lemon/Lime Juice
2 Tbsp Chili Powder
1/2 Tbsp Chipotle
2 Tbsp Cumin
1 tsp Sea Salt

-Separately processed veggies:

1 1/2 Onion, 1 1/2 Red Bell Pepper, and 1/2 Bunch Cilantro
1) In a food processor, pulse walnuts and almonds until broken down but still in tiny pieces. You don’t want a flour.
2) Transfer to a bowl and add your EVOO, Lemon juice, and spices. Use your hands and massage into the nuts. Their natural oils will pick up and combine well with the flavors.
3) In the food processor pulse your veggies until chopped fine, and add into your bowl. Combine and set aside.

Nacho-Cheese (Super light!)

Okay, so I used Irish Moss (a thickener) to keep this recipe nice and light. However, I don’t remember writing down exact measurements, so bear with me and be open to experimenting a little bit if it needs a little extra ‘kick’.
2 Cups Irish Moss Gel (1 Cup of Irish Moss blended with 2 Cups of Water in a high-speed blender for 3 or 4 minutes)
3/4 Cup Brazil Nuts or Cashews
1 Cup Zucchini
1 Cup Red Bell Pepper
3/4 Cup Nutritional Yeast
2 tsp Sea Salt
1/3 – 1/2 Cup Lime/Lemon Juice (I think you might need more, Irish moss has a strong flavor)
1 tsp Jalopeno
*(Optional): Chipotle powder, onion, and/or Garlic (2 Cloves)
1) Add all ingredients into a high-speed blender and process until smooth and creamy.. You might need to add more nutritional yeast if you want it SUPER cheesy, and even a dash more of sea salt to give it an extra kick.
People loved this and didn’t even know it was super light in nuts and seeds! How awesome!


6 Ripe Avocadoes
1 – 2 Onions diced (depending on your preference)
3 Seeded Tomatoes, diced
2 Red Bell Peppers, diced
3 Cloves of Garlic, crushed and diced
3 Limes, Juiced
1 tsp Sea Salt (optional in my opinion)
**Add any other spices you like – chipotle, turmeric, nutritional yeast, onion flakes…etc.**
1) In a bowl, mash avocados together with a fork. Separately chop or food process the rest of your ingredients (exept the spices and lime juice) and add into your avo mush. Add your spices and any optional additions.
2) Put one pit in the container to help keep it from browning until you serve.

Marinated Vegetables

2 Red Bell peppers
3 Costa Rican Cucumbers (sub Zucchini, Cucumber, or any other veggies you like. I bet Eggplant would be awesome!)
2 Onions
1) Julienne all vegetables. In a bowl add a drizzle of Olive Oil, Sea Salt, and a light touch of lemon juice.
2) Massage and let sit and soften for at least 1-2 hours.

Put it all together!

1) Cut your Excalibur Wraps into 4 pieces. On each piece layer first your Walnut Meat, then your Marinated Veggies. Last, add in your Guacamole.
1) Gently roll up and let sit on the edge of the seal. Top it by putting a hefty helping of your Cheese Sauce, followed by some cut up herbs and a big heap of Guacamole.



First course I served a lovely Tomato Bisque Soup…. Yum!


With an ending that went out with a BANG – with this (Nut-Free) Chocolate-Mint-Lime Pie.
Rave reviewsfind the recipe HERE!

…And that’s all! It may be a work-heavy project, but oh boy it’s worth it!
Next…Raw Pizza! <3

Enliven Your Life With Fruits and Vegetables!

XO Mandy