Oh, My, Goodness. There’ are few things I enjoy more than creating raw vegan dishes – and one of them is sharing the joy! This week at the Pom Café I had an idea in my head I really wanted to try. After scouring Chef Russel James’ site for inspiration, I came across this beautiful idea and wanted to make my own version.
Long story short – awesomely delicious success, so follow along and we’ll re-create it again!
I really like this meal because it’s very fresh and light and is an amazing way for people to add in more fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and live-enzyme foods that are oh-so-healthy for the body. 🙂
For the….
3 Cups Peeled and chopped Zucchini
3 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 tsp Lemon Juice
Pinch Cayenne
1 tsp Coriander
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
1/2 Cup Flax Mealwrap1
1)Blend all ingredients except Flax (Meal = ground up) and then add flax in. Blend again.
2) Makes two large tortillas on 2 Teflex Sheets (Excalibur Dehydrator).
3) Dehdyrate for 8 hours at 1-5 degrees and then flip. Peel away the Teflex sheet and dehydrate for 1-2 more hours. The wraps should be pliable and not too dry or wet.
1 Cup Pumpkin Seeds (soaked for 8 hours)
2 Tbsp Fresh Dill
1 tsp Coriander
2 tsp Cumin
8 Sun-Dried Tomatoes (soaked before hand)
3 tbsp Fresh Cilantro
1 Clove Garlic
2 Shallots
1/4 Cup Olives
2 tsp Oregano
Pinch Cayenne Pepper
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1) In a food processor, process pumpkin seeds until a smooth, ground up consistency is achieved. Add in remaining ingredients and 1/2 –1 cup of water until thoroughly combined.
2) When well-combined and seasoned to your liking (I think I added more sun-dried tomatoes), use a small ice-cream scoop and form small falafels onto a Dehydrator tray (No Teflex needed). Dehydrate for 6-8 hours.
Marinated Veggies:wrap15
There is no specific rule that I follow when marinating my veggies, but the different vegetables used were:
Red and Yellow Pepper
Sliced Onions
& Cucumber
In a large bowl, combine all julienned veggies and pour a little amount of olive oil and sea salt (not too much – 1-2 tablespoons is plenty) and massage with your hands. Let sit 1-2 hours, the veggies will soften and gain deeper flavor.
Raw Hummus:wrap6
Er – now’s where you’re going to be a little disappointed. I followed the recipe below (which I never do, so that was shocking in itself) and wasn’t super pleased with the recipe…so I added 1-2 Bell Peppers, a LOT of paprika, Cumin, Chipotle, 2 Cups of Sunflower Seeds, Sesame Oil & Sesame Seeds, Sea Salt, Lemon Juice (A lot more compared to the recipe), garlic and garlic powder, and a wee bit of red pepper flakes. Everyone loved it,  but I have no exact recipe to give… so please experiment with the recipe below or keep as is.
1/2 Cup Macadamia Nuts
3 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1/4 tsp Salt
3 Tbsp Raw Tahini
1/4 Cup Water
Blend in a high-speed blender until smooth and creamy. Then do what Amanda does…and experiment by adding in the above-mentioned ingredients. 🙂
Sprouted Raw Tabouleh:
First you must SPROUT some Yummy Quinoa – I didn’t make an exact recipe for this either – it was a lot of sprouting, throwing in ingredients and chopping vegetables, but if you’d like an exact recipe, look here for one. (I followed the suggestions – but without cooking the quinoa. Still tastes great!) wrap8
Mine was sprouted quinoa (Soak Quinoa 1-3 Cups depending on your preference) overnight in water and strain in the morning. Allow to sit in the sunshine and rinse 2x a day. Use that evening preferably).
Next, I added in Lemon Juice, Olive OIl, Sea Salt, Diced Cucumber, Tomato, a LOT of Parsley, Basil, a tiddly bit of Mint, Onion, and a sprinkling of Love. wrap10
Final Preparation…

When your wraps finish dehydrating (See below – perfectly foldable and amazingly delicious!) gather your Hummus, Falafels, Marinated Vegetables (and any other veggies you’d like in it Example: tomato, avocado, sprouts, greens), and Tabouleh Salad. wrap13
My wraps were SO big that I was able to cut each in HALF and still make a large portion.
1) Smother a decent amount of raw Hummus.wrap14
2) Place a few Falafels into the center. Add your marinated Veggies & any other greens, etc… you’d like to add.wrap16
3) Fold up and make a gorgeous wrap.
4) On the side, scoop a nice, big helping of Raw Tabouleh Salad and go sit outside in the sun. medwrapfinal2
5) Enjoy your bounty of healing, living, delectably vibrant food
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And finally, check out my other sister-sites:
http://amandafroelich.com is my personal site where I offer donation-based coaching and spirituality-focused blog posts.
http://travelfruitlove.com – my NEW site – shares my love for travel, fruit, and extraordinary bliss while on the road and living an exciting lifestyle.
Thanks for your time and reading – I hope you have an amazingly exuberant day. Enliven your life with Fruit and Vegetables! XOXO
Guess what…? Next Month (May 16th!) at the Pomegranate Café I’ll be teaching/speaking a class with the same idea as my latest book which will be focused on “Blooming Raw on a Budget!” Learn all the staples that are the most economical when raw, the basics of why a raw food diet heals, and the best tips and tricks to save $$$ when Raw. I’m excited – are you?download
…Also, Plant Based Nation’s Conference is coming up. Soon: A video with Founder Jared Keen. For now, check out the flyer – time is running out to register!PBN Scottsdale Flyer - 5-11-13 Full Size