Whoa, what?! You may be staring at your screen like, “She really has gone over the deep end, now”…
I am bringing you Deliciouss recipes in this post. Yeah, be awed, inspired, bedazzled even… It’s time for you to hone your Raw Dessert Making skills and get inspired.
Here’s why/where/how I put effort into this task:

..My family got me bananas when I flew to South Dakota!

My sister got married.

In South Dakota! 

Hiking Bear Butte

And my other sister and I had to make a cake. (Well, volunteered, sheesh). (It was also VEGAN because I was in charge of making it).

It was fun.

And tiring…. (RAW Chocolate Covered Strawberries, RAW macaroons, Rainier Cherries -( God takes credit)… and our VEGAN Cake!)

But it paid off!

And people even said this was the BEST cake they’ve ever had…. Then it was really funny to watch their face drop when I told them it was VEGAN.


“WHAT!??? I consumed and ENJOYED a piece of food that doesn’t have ANY animal products in it!?????”



 But what was REALLY an enjoyed creation were these Raw & Vegan Macaroons!!!

They’re so easy, and people scarfed them down!

3 cups dried, unsweetened coconut flakes
 1 1/2 cups cocoa powder (I prefer carob’s milder taste)
 1 cup maple syrup
 1/3 cup coconut butter or oil
1 T vanilla extract
 1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1)In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients and stir well to combine. You can also use a standing mixer with the paddle attachment.
2)Using a small ice cream scoop, your hands, or a big tablespoon, spoon rounds of the dough onto dehydrator screens (or a plate/cutting board to freeze). Dehydrate for 12-24 hours at 115 degrees F…until crisp on the outside and chewy on the inside.
3) For Blonde Macaroons: Replace the cocoa powder in the recipe with an equal amount of fine almond flour (soak almonds for 6 hours, drain/rinse and dehydrate for 12 hours…pulse almonds in food processor for a fine consistency).
Easy Peasy, right? And so delicious! This recipe is from Sarma’s Raw Book – I highly recommend!

And the easiest recipe  of all – Raw Chocolate Dipped Strawberries:

1/3 Cup Agave Nectar
1/3 Cup Coconut Oil
1/3 Cup Cacao powder or Carob Powder
1) Lightly melt the coconut oil by placing it in a small dish in a larger pot of water
2) In a bowl, combine all ingredients, whisking together until smooth. You want a thicker, but still ‘liquidy’ consistency. If it is too melted, place in the fridge for 5-10 minutes then whisk again.
3) Ta-da! Dip/Roll/Lick your strawberries in the Chocolate Sauce and place on parchment paper in the fridge!
There you go! Two recipes…Not exactly TONS, but I’ll be back soon with another great recipe – how about Pickled Kohlrabi? My boss gave me some to use up, so I’m going to be experimenting!
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