It’s kind of weird being in Costa Rica…perpetual sunshine and fruit year round during the US’ summer season (which is Costa Rica’s winter season)…and now moving through Fall in the US (spring-time/rainy season for Costa Rica) into Winter for the US (and summer here)…get me?
That said, keeping our seasons in check, I created this dinner for some guests with a fresh, springy intention in mind… The great thing about it, though, is that it’s tasty and fresh in any season, therefore my confusion as to what season it’s optimally eaten in is moot. It’s every season – Bam.
Whew – anyways, this delectable wrap actually plays off of other recipes already posted. Remember those fantastic Mediterranean Falafel Wraps I made a while back? Yeah, that simple and easy recipe for the wrap is what I use for almost any veggie burrito (raw) that I make now, and it’s perfect for this meal.
Make the wraps, and then you can make this RAW Ranch recipe, thickened for kale chips as a spread!
Add in your vegetables– cucumbers, red bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, avocado, leafy greens, olives, etc… – and enjoy this freaking tasty rendition of such an easy-to-make and healing meal.
It’s great to consume raw veggie wraps because you’re including an abundance of mineral, vitamins, and phyto-nutrients which will help keep you detoxified, full of energy, alkaline and oxygenated, and super happy.
Enliven Your Life with Fruits and Vegetables!
XOXO Mandy