Hey there, lovely!

I’m stoked to be sharing more on the topic of detoxification, for it is, in all honesty, my favorite. 

Detoxification and nutrition, like Dr. Morse says, are the ‘tool belt’ you wear when regaining your health, and therapeutic modalities (like reflexology, reiki, etc…) are the tools you utilize to help you fully integrate into alignment and traverse the road to Wellness. 

Because detoxification is the #1 step for ANYONE seeking to get healthier (you must first break down and clean your car before you can buffer and re-paint it), and because you guys have all commented or messaged saying you’d like to learn more, I have decided to create a 21 Day Detox Program for anyone interested in bettering their life.

It. Will. Be. Epic.

Some of the information that is critical to know when educating yourself on the principles of detoxification include the 7 stages of Acidosis, because it helps you better assess your owns state of health, and also learn WHY you might be experiencing a chronic condition.

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Remember, the main steps to healing include:

  1. Detoxification 
  2. Alkalization
  3. Regeneration 
  4. Subsistence + Balance

And for some of you, it will take longer to release the acids from cells which have been accumulating for years and move that lymphatic system. If you have weakened adrenals and kidneys (which pretty much everyone does), it will take some time to regenerate those organs and ensure your body can eliminate.

But trust me, my friend, nature is perfect and knows how to heal herself. YOU are nature, and are NEVER without hope. That is why I am here – to help you remember that.

So, following are the 7 Stages of Acidosis:

Stage 1: Enervation – The beginning of ALL sickness and disease! Fatigue, decreased motivation, etc… all are signs your body is lacking electrical energy and organs are weakening.

Stage 2: Sensation: You begin feeling the acid build-up caused by your acidic lifestyle. This might manifest in a headache now and again or other symptoms based upon your genetic predisposition.

Stage 3: Irritation – You are now in metabolic acidosis.

Stage 4: Inflammation – Retained tissue, organ and/or glandular acidosis causing all experienced pain. Pain = Acid and Acid = Pain! You cannot have pain in the body without an associated metabolic and/or dietary acid!

Stage 5: Induration – The solidification of acids, tissues, organs and glands! Fibromyalgia is a great example though it doesn’t have to be such a chronic condition.

Stage 6: Ulceration – One step closer to early death.

Stage 7: Degeneration – The final stage of acidosis that leads to exhaustion of the physical body, i.e. death.

This information has been gifted by Dr. Robert O Young, author of ‘The PH Miracle’. I recommend his book to learn more about the acid/alkaline balance, and the importance of detoxifying so you may regenerate and heal as nature intended.


This information is not shared to cause fear, but to inspire action. You, in this moment, right now, have the ability to CHANGE your diet, thoughts, lifestyle, and the products you put on your skin. 

Those four contributing factors affect the amount of acidosis your body either creates (negative emotions) or holds onto (flesh products, dairy, etc…)

If you’re ready to TAKE ACTION, contact me here and we’ll focus solely on your unique situation, needs, and steps you can take to move forward. 

Namaste, lovelies. 
