Writing, Speaking, & Demonstration

Bloom for Life offers:

Freelance writing for alternative media, health, and sustainable living publications, in-print magazines, and guest blog postings. (All by author, Amanda Froelich)

Speaking presentations to share natural health and holistic living alternatives with the masses

Plant-based / Holistic Nutrition Demonstration.

Scroll down for more in-depth information on each service offered.


Freelance Writing

Amanda Froelich, founder and aspirant behind Bloom for Life, has been featured in many and more of the following publications:

Get Fresh, True Activist, Mind Body Green, Café Truth, Greenster, Dream it Alive, Real News 24, and others.

She graduated from Matador University with a certificate in travel writing, is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, ISD certified Detoxification Specialist, ACE certified Personal Trainer, and an ambitious scholar continuing to pursue the truth in natural health and alternative living.

Her focus and works incorporate mind, body, and spirit truths with an emphasis for clearly describing and stating technical terms relating to progressive scientific finds. She also enthusiastically shares applicable guidance and the benefits on adopting a less processed, organically and locally produced, plant-based diet.

All articles are unique and scientifically backed. Have Amanda write for your publication and insightfully share the lesser-known truths of living, which will deeply impact the future.

Current rate: $0.50 per word, 500-700 word articles.

See her most recent portfolio of previously published works HERE.


Speaking Presentation

Have an Expo, Workshop, or progressive Conference coming up? Hire Bloom for Life (Amanda Froelich) to speak as one of your guest speakers, and share the intriguing and latest findings that relate to natural health and holistic living. See Educational Class Choice here.

Amanda Froelich is a RHN Registered Holistic Nutritionist, ISD certified Detoxification Specialist, ACE certified Personal Trainer, and is an energetic/spiritual healer emphatically moved to share such information with the world. She has experience organizing and working with Plant Based Nation, one of the leading organizations gathering like-minded individuals around the United States to teach preventative health care and wholesome food as medicine.

She is also the current head chef at Farm of Life in Costa Rica, with background working at some of the US’ best health-retreat centers, including the Tree of Life in Arizona, and the renowned Pomegranate Cafe in Phoenix, Arizona.

She is currently involved with several other sustainable living companies, non-profits, and progressive leaders around the world who envision a future where naturally sourced, nourishing food and water is available for all, as well as peaceful collaboration is the accepted norm. Such exciting developments are displayed through Amanda’s teachings, and all she has currently learned and feels called to share will be spoken through a presentation with your company.


Sustainable Living

Natural Health

Mind/Body/Spirit Interconnection

Learn more about Bloom for Life’s vision and the kind of information Amanda Froelich will speak on by viewing the FAQ page.

Payment and travel is to be negotiated. Please email bloomforlife@gmail.com if you are interested in hiring Amanda (or possible volunteer arrangement) to speak at your event.




Plant-Based / Holistic Nutrition Demonstration

It often isn’t enough to just share the kinds of changes that need to be implemented, but also offer resources and live demonstration to better convey the wisdom being gifted.

It has been proven that only about 10% of information offered in speaking demonstrations is received and remembered, validating that for change to be adopted (see Mission, and why we feel it is so necessary), other forms of teaching to assist learning need to be given.

This is where Bloom for Life’s ambitions and talents come together – giving you everything in one.

What Viewers / Your Business Gets:

*An in-depth understanding on the current health of the world, and why natural living and holistic health remedies needs to be offered (and accepted!).

*Guidance and applicable recommendations on how every individual can get started – no matter their income, food preference, or location.

*Culinary demonstration – showcase 3 – 5 plant-based recipes (and offer the print recipe books with all basic information on how to get started), and involve the audience in the making process.

*Take and answer any questions.

Opportunity, payment, and more are negotiable, depending on the location, time frame, and exposure Bloom for Life receives for such service. Please email bloomforlife@gmail.com if you are interested in this collaborative opportunity.


If you’re interested in working with Bloom for Life or have another unique opportunity you’d like to propose, email Amanda at bloomforlife@gmail.com .

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