Hey beautiful one!

I hope you are experiencing abundant bliss in all ways that call to you. This is definitely a time of letting go and allowing space for new to fill in the gaps and benefit your wondrous journey.

If you’re not aware of all the changes Bloom for Life has currently experienced, here’s a little catch up:


I, Amanda, am currently in Thailand creating magic at a living foods, vegan Cancer clinic and have tons of projects / new recipes to share with you guys. All in due time, sweet ones.

On the other hand, this website got a makeover! *Gasp* I know, pretty glorious, eh? Now we can grow and blossom together. Many programs and workshops are in the works of being created, so I hope if you’re on this side of the world, you will join me for some of them in the future. I’m partnering with the amazing Jack Cross and creating some other resources (like a Detox Guide), so soon this site will be flooded with love and inspiration for your success.


Above: 7-Day Whole Food, Plant-based Menu Plan!

On that note, the recipes have since changed as well! Bloom for Life is now including a plethora of living food, plant-based ketogenic & low-glycemic options! I have come to the realized awareness that high-vibrational living can be optimized with an increased focus on nourishing greens, fermented foods, and mindfulness of eating. I hope such inspired insight can be shared with you through the recipes and posts to come.

And to start off, here is a low glycemic & ketogenic (as well as just plain ol’ raw, vegan, vegetarian, and delicious) breakfast or snack option: Chia Porridge!


I learned about chia porridge when I was working at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, and have to say it’s stuck with me as a hearty staple to have on hand myself (it’s great to take the dry mixture on trips and mix it with water so you don’t starve) and teach others. It’s so yummy, and can be played with in a hundred different ways.

Here is the main chia porridge I recommend for others to start making their breakfast option two to three times per week. Scroll down to view all its incredible benefits!

Chia Porridge

Preparation Time: 10 Minutes

Soak Time: 3-4 Hours

Serving Size: 1



1 Cup Almond Milk

2 Tbsp Chia Seeds

1/2 Scoop of Protein Powder (Sunwarrior is a great brand)

Dash of Cinnamon

2 Drops of Stevia (or a swirl of raw honey)



Fresh Berries**

Soaked & Enzyme-Active Nuts & Seeds (or a raw granola)**



1) Mix almond milk and chia seeds in a medium-sized bowl and let sit to thicken for 3 to 4 hours. You can leave it in the fridge and have it ready to go in the morning!

2) Before serving, add in your remaining ingredients and top with garnishes of preference!

3) This is great for those who have little time in the morning, are rushed during their lunch break, or just need a healthy snack on hand. Kids love it, too, because chia porridge can get quite thick and is fun to play with.

**Those on the ketogenic program need to limit their consumption of natural carbohydrates, including fructose in fruits.

 Why Chia?

Because unlike oat porridge, chia seeds (Salba) are BURSTING with nutrition. According to Authority Nutrition, chia seeds…

1) Are great for weight loss.

They absorb 10x their weight in liquid, are blooming with nutrition (see below), have relatively little calories for their bulk, and are very satisfying so it’s difficult to eat too much chia porridge.

While this reason makes people reach for chia more often, it should be noted that when one consumes a predominantly plant-based, live food, and high-enzyme diet (respecting food combining rules), they should naturally balance their weight and feel awesome – the #1 determinant a plan is working.

2) Are Abundant in Anti-oxidants

Anti-oxidants fight the production of free radicals, which can damage molecules in cells and contribute to aging and diseases in Cancer. The more we reduce oxidation in the body, the healthier one will be.

3) Are Full of Fiber

Interestingly, most all of the carbohydrates in chia seeds are fiber. Fiber doesn’t raise blood sugar, doesn’t require insulin to be disposed of, and therefore shouldn’t count as a carb. This makes chia a low-carb friendly food for those who care about that kind of thing. 😉

Most importantly, though, fiber helps regulate the digestive tract and remove toxins stuck in the intestinal tract that really just don’t need to be in there. Because a lot of people are constipated, this is an important bonus.

4) Pack a Nutritional Punch

In just ONE ounce of chia seeds (about 2 Tbsp which puff up as they absorb yummy almond or hemp milk), one receives the following:

  • Fiber: 11 grams.
  • Protein: 4 grams.
  • Fat: 9 grams (5 of which are Omega-3s).
  • Calcium: 18% of the RDA.
  • Manganese: 30% of the RDA.
  • Magnesium: 30% of the RDA.
  • Phosphorus: 27% of the RDA.
  • They also contain a decent amount of Zinc, Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Potassium, Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) and Vitamin B2.

Wow – SUPERFOOD, right?

5) Omega-3 Rich

The SAD (Standard American – or British – Diet) is notoriously high in omega-6’s, but low in the valuable 3’s…  Good news, though, chia seeds have more Omega-3’s than salmon when compared gram per gram. However, they don’t supply the much-needed DHA, so keep that in mind – each to their own personal preference.

And goodness…  Chia seeds have SO many more benefits, check out their goodness here.


So here’s to your health and your blossoming radiance. 🙂


Photo Credit: The Rawtarian – gorgeous gal, check out her stuff!

Interested in seeing what Thailand is like? Hop on over to my travel blog Travel Fruit Love. I’m sure you’ll be just as entranced as I am! (I’m going to Phuket soon – should be an adventure).


…PS – I love comments. 🙂

Much love and Namaste, dear ones!

Amanda Froelich