Well hey there, friend!

Thanks for joining us at Bloom for Life! This site is committed to sharing quality conscious living content and “high-vibrational” cuisine to help you create the life you desire and deserve.


When we choose to treat ourselves well – often starting with our diet and lifestyle choices – we can better become advocates to treat others well, and in effect contribute to a changed Earth. What a beautiful mission – and how fun it can begin with you and your kitchen!

Today’s recipe is for some super simple wraps that are full of vegetables and herbs, and can be used in a variety of ways. Really – these were used to make Raw Enchiladas, and occasionally I use the for things like..oh Raw Falafel Mediterannean Wraps.


When you crave something dense yet nourishing, this wrap should be your go-to. For me, I love to dehydrate these and snack on them while working, or make a meal out of them and enjoy their flexible splendor.

Enough of me chattin’, let’s get to it!

Easy & Delicious {Raw, Vegan} Wraps
Recipe Type: Easy, Simple
Cuisine: Raw, Vegan, Vegetarian
Author: Amanda Froelich
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 3-4
Easy-to-make, vegetable-filled raw & vegan wraps. Create them in your dehydrator for a tasty entrée.
  • 1 1/2 Cups Zucchini
  • 2 Red Bell Pepper
  • 1 Cup Coconut Meat
  • 1 Tomato (medium-sized)
  • 1/2 Cup Ground Flax
  • 1/4 Cup Herb of Choice (Cilantro, Basil)
  • [br]
  • (Optional): Spices – [i]cumin, chipotle, cayenne, salt[/i]
  1. Blend coconut meat, zucchini, red bell pepper, and tomato on high in a blender until smooth.
  2. Add flax and remaining ingredients (herb of choice + spices), and blend once more until well-combined.
  3. Let flax thicken for 10 minutes in mixture.
  4. Using dehydrator trays and teflex sheets, pour half of mixture onto one tray and form a circle (or a square like I did below).
  5. Do the same on a new sheet with amount remaining.
  6. Dehydrate at 115 degrees for 4 hours, flipping if semi-dry. Let go for 1 – 1/2 hours more, and if you want ‘crackers’, let get completely crispy. Time should be about 8-10 hours total.


When I made these, I didn’t consider their picturesque quality, so unfortunately they’re a bit rough around the edges.


But regardless of beauty, they’re still “high-vibrational” and delicious!



Can you guess what’s coming up next?! That’s right.


Neapolitan ICE CREAM Sandwhiches with {raw, vegan} Sprouted Buckwheat Crust


Don’t miss out – sign up on the right-hand side to know when the recipe is released!

Engage your ability and right to Bloom for Life!

XO Amanda


Pssst – recent post from Travel Fruit Love: “7 Ways to Pass Time in Panama Like an Absolute Gringo”.
