Hey there lovely,

Once upon a time, in the faraway lands of Costa Rica, I invented an incredible bread that blew the socks off quite a few guests at Finca de Vida.


It wasn’t the ‘traditional’ type of ‘bread’ you might find in a supermarket, made from yeast, cooked grains, and extra fillers… No, It was compromised of sprouted Kamut – an incredible grain that has the nutrient profile of a vegetable when sprouted, tons of savory, fresh herbs, nutrient-dense vegetables, and a bounty of loooooooove.

Since I made that bread a few years ago, many people have reached out and asked, “Hey! What is that recipe!? That was the BEST raw bread EVER!”

And really, it probably is the best raw bread ever, as compared to other ‘dehydrated breads’ there are NO nuts or heavy seeds (only flax) – only vegetables and sprouted Kamut! That makes it super easy to digest… And as we know, digestion is where your health begins!


If you have a dehydrator, you can definitely make this raw ‘bread’ and indulge in the sandwich of your life. I give suggestions for how to make a tasty entree with it below.

{Raw Vegan} Sprouted Kamut & Veggie ‘Toast’

Preparation Time: 25 – 30 Minutes + 8-10 hours Dehydrating

Serving Size: 16 Pieces


2 1/2 Cups Sprouted Kamut (See recipe here)

1/2 Cup Zucchini, spiralized or grated


1/4 Cup Bell Pepper, shredded

1/4 Cup Carrots, shredded

1/2 Cup Onion, finely diced

1 1/2 Cups Fresh-Squeezed Orange Juice

1 tsp Sea Salt

1 Cup Fresh Herbs of Choice (I’m an Oregano, Rosemary, and Basil fan)

1/2 Tbsp Cayenne (Optional)
1/2 tsp Jalapeno, minced

1/4 Cup Garlic, minced finely

1 Cup Flax Seeds


  1. Spiralize or shred zucchini, bell pepper, and carrots; add to a medium-sized bowl.
  2. In a food processor, combine 2 cups sprouted grains, orange juice, sea salt, herbs, paprika, cayenne, jalapeno, onion, and garlic and process into a dough.
  3. Transfer to the medium-sized bowl and add in (by hand) ground or whole flax seeds (you can grind them beforehand in the food processor or a Vita-mix), and remaining 1/2 cup sprouted grains.
  4. Form dough into 8 x8-inch square crusts, making sure crusts are no more than 1/4 inch thick.
  5. Dehydrate for 8 – 10 hours or until crisp on the edges – or throughout. The longer you dehydrate them, the crispier/harder they will become.
  6. Quarter each 8-inch crust to render 4 x 4-inch toast slices. Store in a cool, dry place.
  7. This awesome bread will store for one month. 

Now, how to use your sprouted ‘toast’!

Ideally, you might take two slices of this incredibly scrumptious ‘bread/toast’ when it is done in the dehydrator and use one of the following: (click on it to go to the recipe)


{Raw, Vegan} Raw Cream Cheez

{Raw, Vegan} Avocado Pesto 


{Raw, Vegan} Hemp Cheez Sauce (Yum!)

Then stack, layer, and pile high a bounty of vegetables, not limited to tomatoes, onions, lettuce, avocado, more greens, cucumber, carrot, etc… You get the idea, right?


It’s an incredible staple to have on hand, no doubt. PLUS, if you’re like many and eating the Standard American diet, it’s a fabulous way to consume more vegetables and Omega 3-rich flax in fun fashion!

PS – I also used the same ‘bread’ recipe to make {Raw, Vegan} Bagels & Lox! Get that recipe here:


What are your thoughts? Share in the comments section below! <3
