Recipes, Tips, & More
Honey-Mustard Salad Dressing
As promised, here is another tantalizing salad dressing for the healthy-minded eater! Unfortunately most salad dressings available in stores have a plethora of added ingredients that are no bueno for one’s health or waistline. Added sugars, preservatives, and refined...
Hearty Chili with Sour ‘Cream’ (Vegan)
I remember my favorite soups before I went plant-based and predominantly live-food vegan were chili and stew. After I hopped on the veg wagon, I never tried to re-create these, as my only experience ever eating them was with big chunks of meat in them. But lo and...
Mashed Chickpea Salad (Vegan)
This delicious mashed chickpea salad is rich in protein, healthy fats, and contains an abundance of vegetables. Enjoy it between bread or in a wrap!
Easy Vegan Mayonnaise
Who didn’t grow up with this stuff – spreading it on sandwiches, putting it in salad dressings, feeding it to the dog…? While I was always a “Miracle Whip” kind of gal, the name does not excuse the unhealthy ingredients found in these conventional condiments. This is...
Balsamic Salad Dressing (Vegan)
Let’s face it: what makes a good salad turn great is its dressing. And while I’m thankful to have seemingly mastered this craft (at least with all the feedback I’m hearing from cheffin’ up retreats at the Farm of Life Center in Costa Rica), I oftentimes forget to...
Vegan Snickers Bar Recipe [Gluten-Free]
Look no further for a dynamic recipe for vegan Snicker bar. This recipe is easy-to-make and will rock your tastebuds into happiness.
Delicious Vegan Lasagna
The savory smells of herb-infused tomato, delectable vegetables, and melting cheese is what usually has all family members running to the table when lasagna is being served… It’s a dish that’s hearty, satisfying, and reminds one of ‘home’. But what do you do when...
Chocolate-Zucchini Muffins [Vegan]
Try these delicious, wholesome, and easy-to-make muffins! They’re great for breakfast or a snack to-go!
Easy and Healthy Banana Bread [Vegan]
I’m gearing up for a large cooked vegan retreat here at Farm of Life. We’ll have about 15 guests (plus staff) consuming three meals a day…and it’s going to be busy. To prepare, I’ve begun freezing enormous loads of baked goods (chocolate zucchini muffins (below),...
{Raw, Vegan, Low-Fat} Red Velvet Cake
This red velvet cake is low fat and entirely raw and vegan. Make it for your next party or birthday celebration! Live your life in bloom.
{Raw} Caramel Apple Cheesecake
With the holidays in full swing, you’re likely to be interested in a tasty and creative dessert to wow friends and family. Why not try this delectable Caramel Apple Cheesecake that’s superior for the waistline and an impressive raw dessert? Full of fiber, Vitamin C,...
Raw (Herbed) Cream “Cheez”
Hola beautiful readers! Have you been enjoying the splendidly cold weather? Actually, I’ve been experiencing a bit of the frigid cold as well. I recently traveled to South Dakota from Costa Rica to visit family. Read all about that here. From San Jose, Costa Rica… to:...
Squash Muffins with Candied Almonds [Vegan, Gluten-Free]
This delicious muffin recipe is easy-to-make and features candied almonds. Yum!
Banana Pancakes + Banana Ice Cream
Delicious banana pancakes and banana ice cream. The only thing left is to listen to “Banana Pancakes” by Jack Johnson…
Cinnamon-Apple Breakfast Bread [Live Food, Vegan]
By Mandy Froelich / Life in Bloom Hi, friends! By now, I think you know I love to use leftovers in recipes. For instance, extra raw soup can be made into crackers (just add 1/4 – 1/2 Cup ground flax and more herbs, spread on dehydrator trays and voila!). And, juice...
How to Make {Raw, Vegan} Garlic Bread with Juice Pulp
This delicious garlic bread is live food, vegan, and is made with juice pulp. Does it get any better than this?
“Save the Tuna” Nori Rolls w/ Asian Dipping Sauce
These delicious nori rolls feature mock tuna, which is good for you and the oceans.
Spicy Cream of Avo Soup
What allows you to relax more than a creamy, delicious, and filling raw and vegan soup that helps you glow from the inside out? Yeah, I can’t think of anything else at the moment, either. Prepare to have your taste buds ‘wowed’… This recipe has it all, emphasis on...
Raw Cucumber Noodles with Tzatziki Sauce!
Hello lovely friends! This recipe for Raw Cucumber Noodles with Tzatziki Sauce is just too outrageous not to share! The original recipe I created is being saved for a very special project coming up (hint: it’s low-fat and light!)…but here’s another version that is...
[Raw] B-L-T on Onion Bread + Avo Aoli
Hola lovely friends! As time passes by at the Farm of Life, I’m always inspired to share some living food recipes to inspire your glowing health and satisfied palate. Who knew raw foods could be so fun? What do I mean by raw foods? No, not just a pile of broccoli and...
Savory (RAW) Veggie Wraps
It’s kind of weird being in Costa Rica…perpetual sunshine and fruit year round during the US’ summer season (which is Costa Rica’s winter season)…and now moving through Fall in the US (spring-time/rainy season for Costa Rica) into Winter for the US (and summer...
Roasted Vegetable Entrée with Marinara Drizzle
I know what you may be thinking…”But this isn’t RAW”. Well spotted, friend. While I, myself, prefer to consume all raw fruits and vegetables,with occasionally some nuts and seeds, I thrive as a chef and have a love for cooking nourishing food… on all levels. That’s...
Orange Miso Salad Dressing
Everyone loves salad, right? Well this dressing will certainly make it that way! I created this yummy dressing for the latest dinner at Finca de Vida: sprouted buckwheat pizza,but with my marinated and dehydrated veggies, feta ‘cheese’ (raw and vegan), and raw and...
{Raw, Vegan} Almond Joy Bars
I had the biggest response to the asking if you all wanted this Almond Joy (all raw and vegan!) candy bar recipe. “Um, DUH!” was the general response. Haha.. Thanks guys. Because these bars are incredibly yummy and sinfully delicious, I had to share them! If one...
BEET-U-T-FUL Blood Building Juice!
Growing up, I only remember ever having beets on the table, pickled, smelling disgusting, and looking even worse. It wasn’t until I went vegetarian at 15 that I tried them out for the first time…and still thought they were a big miss on the vegetable scale. They have...
{Raw & Vegan} Lemon Bars!
I like to keep life on an optimistic note. You never know what will happen, so live in the present, be happy, feed yourself nourishing food, engage in positive promoting habits, and leave the worrying to those that have a lot to learn. Something interesting came to...
35 “Scrumptious Smoothies and Juices” Book Review!
There's nothing more scrumptious than the idea of sipping freshly made smoothies on a beach...and this is exactly what Christina Soberg, a dear friend and author, accomplished with her latest (and first!) E-book on delectable recipes to tempt you in all ways. Meeting...
Raw Vegan ‘Bac-un’ Cheeseburger Feast
“Whew!”.. Have you guys been un-cooking up a storm? I know this has been a busy week for me but I’m glad to have been able to bring you all these scrumptious recipes. Today we’re finishing this week long fun-fest of creating a Raw Vegan Cheeseburger feast with my good...
Raw and Cooked Vegan ‘Fries’
What goes along with a burger than some tasty fries? For health-minded vegans or strict raw foodists, I have TWO recipes and got you covered! I always make cooked fries here because not everyone is super strict (80 percent raw, 20 percent cooked is a pretty...
Raw Vegan “Bac-un”
Hey everyone, I hope you were inspired by the lovely recipes yesterday! If you haven’t been following along this week, every day I’m sharing 1-2 recipes until we make it to our grand finale: Raw Vegan Bac-Un Cheeseburgers with the Works! So far we’ve covered: Raw...