Recipes, Tips, & More
High-Raw Potato Salad & Raw Hummus Platter (Post #4 Chzburger Week)
Good morning everyone! How are we enjoying {Raw and Vegan} Bac-un ‘Cheeseburger Week so far? Hope you are loving it! Today I bring you two awesome sides. One is high-raw and is great for eating healthier in general, and the other is a great alternative for cooked...
Raw Vegan American ‘Cheese’ Slices
This is one of those recipes I’ve NEVER seen created before, therefore I’m a super happy camper that I get to share it with you. Behold – the Raw and Vegan ‘Cheese’ Slices! How did I make such a miraculous food? I used THIS recipe for my famous ‘Cheese’ Sauce and...
Raw Ketchup and BBQ Sauce– Cheeseburger Week (#2)
Oh boy… How fun was yesterday’s? Okay, not really that fun since we only covered Pickles… but no fear – the upcoming recipes will blow your socks off! If you forgot…we still have…. Cooked & Raw Fries Cheese Slices Almost Raw – Potato Salad Raw Bacon Burgers...
Raw Cheeseburger Week…Post 1: Raw Pickles!
Okay everyone, I know a few of you are really excited for this week of raw cheeseburger goodness. If you did not get the heads up about what incredible-ness is happening this week, here’s what’s happening. Every day (beginning today!) I am posting one of the following...
Zesty Corn, Tomato, and Avo Salad
Hello lovely bunnies! We have the amazingly awesome Blender Girl to thank for this yummy and super awesome recipe today. This salad is so easy and yet…so darn tasty! Wow your palate, body, family, and friends with the pure, wholesome ingredients. Zesty Corn,...
Beauty Banana ‘Cereal’
Yum – don’t you love eating food that you can sit down and count all the health benefits from it at the same time!? This recipes is… *High in Potassium *Blooming with healthy medium-chain fats which aid skin health, digestion, give a glowing complexion, help you lose...
Raw Vegan Chick-N Nuggets
Do you actually know how regular good ol’ McDonalds nuggets are produced? Read a disgusting-fascinating article here and here about that! Now, that wasn’t intended to make you lose your appetite for food, but instead make this recipe seem even that much more...
Raw Pizza De Costa Rica!
Hola, Buenos Dias! Okay, that’s about the limit of my Spanish. (I know, and I’m in Costa Rica!). Well, the one thing I am thankful for is that food has its own language…and no matter what one’s predominant dialect is, they can always be wowed with some delicious and...
Raw Enchiladas! + Nacho "Cheez" Sauce, Walnut Meat, & Guacamole
It’s exciting making a gourmet raw dinner for people and not only hearing the pleasing moans come off their tongues as they sample the first bite of their dish, but a light perk in their eyes and a smile creep onto their face. Food has the power to heighten our...
Raw (Nut-Free!) Chocolate-Mint-Lime Pie
Hello brilliant readers! (You must be super smart to be reading this blog 😉 I have a super duper special recipe for you lovelies today. Because I’m constantly making awesome dinners for traveling guests here at Finca De Vida, I have a lot of opportunities to not only...
Raw Mango Applesauce!
Okay, so this one isn’t as complicated and grand, I guess as some of the upcoming recipes… (See the end of this post!)…but it’s so tasty it deserves to be shared. If you have kiddos – they’ll love this too! Kids are attracted to fresh fruit and this recipe is full of...
Raw Mango Cobbler! + (AMAZING Salad)
See that explanation mark? That’s because this is an exciting post! 1) I’m blessed to be writing this to you as one week and a half ago my hard drive crashed. (And if you remember, I’m in Costa Rica where a Best Buy is not around the corner. Thank God for smart...
Raw Mock ‘Tuna’ Salad Nori Rolls! …(What I Eat)
Hey there awesome reader! Today I’m going to share with you one of my go-to recipes that not only will delight your taste buds, but will keep you thriving on raw foods long-term! So often recipes (yes, even recipes I post) are super gourmet with not the best food...
Raw Lasagna Crackers
The name says it all, right? Please wipe that drool off of your keyboard so we can begin. *Ahem* Ladies and gentlemen, please hold onto your laptop as you perceive the images I’m about to show you. The wonderful, the awe-inspiring, spectacle you’re about to witness...
RAW Banana Pancakes
You’ve heard Jason Mraz’ deliciously sexy beautiful song “Banana Pancakes”, right? It makes you want to groove around your kitchen in your underwear – and of course eat pancakes (or in this case Crepes) with a loved one. Well, just because you’ve decided to live...
RAW Banana Crepes
You’ve heard Jason Mraz’ deliciously sexy beautiful song “Banana Pancakes”, right? It makes you want to groove around your kitchen in your underwear – and of course eat pancakes (or in this case Crepes) with a loved one. Well, just because you’ve decided to live...
Raw Basil-Avo Pesto Pasta, Greek Salad, and Creamy Celery Soup!
Hey lovely individuals! I’m so glad you could join me here on MandyBloomsRaw because I love sharing healthy recipes and how easy it is to get healthy, bloom with confidence, and gain awesome vitality. Here in Costa Rica I’m volunteering as a raw and vegan chef at...
Raw, Clean Eating in Costa Rica!
Hey Everyone!I don’t know if you heard…but I recently relocated to Costa Rica for a bit! Check out this video of my travels…also found at my site TravelFruitLove. It’s been quite amazing so far. I also have another video sharing my brief little blurb after a run…It’s...
Asian Kale Chips with Crispy Almonds!
Hi Cheryl, I hope you’re reading this. Everyone else – welcome as well! These amazingly delicious chips are dedicated to a special lady that has been so supportive of my raw food creations in Phoenix (and always asked for these snacks whenever possible). After many...
{Raw, Vegan} Pad Thai
Step aside ordinary Thai food, raw goodness has taken over! How many of you LOVE your Thai food? Spicy, sweet, yummy, creamy… And how many of you miss it since you’ve gone raw? Well no more! There are no excuses when it comes to leading a high-vibrational, purified,...
Raw (Sprouted) Bagels & 'Lox'!
Wow – if there ever was a time I think I outdid myself..this is it. Over and over I heard people exclaim how these Bagels tasted like REAL bread. No way – really? Yes! The recipe was mainly derived from Chef James Russel (although I made some minor changes which I...
How to Make Your Own RAW Sauerkraut
The beautiful thing about working where I do is that I have the opportunity to play around with a kitchen stocked full of yummy, raw ingredients. Lately, I’ve had an urging to make some Raw Sauerkraut for a special to come… (hint hint – can you guess what it is?)...
Fresh, Raw Falafel & Hummus Wrap with Sprouted Tabouleh Salad!
Oh, My, Goodness. There' are few things I enjoy more than creating raw vegan dishes – and one of them is sharing the joy! This week at the Pom Café I had an idea in my head I really wanted to try. After scouring Chef Russel James’ site for inspiration, I came across...
Low-Fat Zesty Summer Salad + Raw Birthday Party!
Hey lovely food fanatics! I recently had the lovely opportunity to attend my friend Tosha’s son’s Birthday party! Now here’s the thing, it’s not a typical birthday. Damien and Tosha are both raw! Not only that, they eat super simply like I do (high carbohydrate, low...
How to Make the most Incredible Raw Vegan Noodles! + RAW Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe!
When you decide to go Raw, there are a few things you’re pretty sure you’ll be missing out on for the rest of your life: Vodka, Dunkin’ Donuts, Cheese, Bread…oh, and bread. Because we’ve been told in our society that ‘healthy’ food is gross, most likely you or your...
StRAWberry-Chocolate Granola!
Mmmm…. Just in time for Easter – when everyone is digging out the Cadbury eggs and sweet treats, you, being awesomely aware about your health politely decline a sugary peep and clasp your hands in your lap. After old Aunt Gretel waves a sausage link in your face,...
Asian Dressing & Lettuce Cups
There’s something so wonderful about the tropics – perhaps that we' originate from that climate, are perfectly designed for the fruity bounty, or that everyone thinks of relaxation and retreat when ‘Thailand’, ‘Costa Rica’, or ‘Bahamas’ are mentioned.Well, we’re not...
Why I'm Selling my Dehyrator & Costa Rica Smoothie!
Mimicking the natural drying process of the sun, a dehydrator is a piece (big piece) of equipment that allows one to create foods without water content – and for a raw foodist, they are extremely useful to mimic cooked foods creations while keeping foods 'live'....
Bloom Raw At Home! Easy Peasy Guide
It’s the moments I’m face to face with a new friend – they’re excited to have an opportunity to ask so many questions and are intrigued at the prospect of including a lot of raw & vegan foods into their lifestyle. Inevitably we’ll run out of time to chat, or there...
Creamy Tomato-Basil Soup (Raw!)
Hey there! Did you see that Dave the Raw Food Trucker came to visit in Phoenix and Sedona (for the Raw Living Expo!) and to speak at the Pomegranate Café? Being a chef at the Pomegranate, I get the awesome opportunity to not only meet and document the great speakers...