Recipes, Tips, & More
Raw (Sun-Dried Tomato) Pesto Wraps
Every now and then it’s nice to get festive with some cute little appetizers – share them at a potluck, with your co-workers, your family – whatever – but try out this awesomely easy and delish recipe! I borrowed this recipe from Oh She Glows because my pesto is...
Blueberry-Apple Sauce! Treat yourself with this!
What do you do when you have FAR too many blueberries? (Wait - is it possible to have too many blueberries???) As I share in my video below (as well as some insight on getting rid of mucus), I was lucky enough to get 4 flats of ORGANIC blueberries for $8... but that...
(Raw!!) Valentines, Pesto Pasta & Sausage, Dave the Raw Food Trucker, and Living Expo!
Hey everyone! Happy (belated) Valentines Day to all! With the warmer weather, more than smiles and the wilderness are returning from retreat - tons of new recipes are too! I promise to start including more recipes on this site (MandyBloomsRaw) while more informational...
Creamy, Healing Celery Soup!
I eat simply. I LOVE celery. And more than anything - I love combining these two, so here you go! This is what I had for lunch today! Ingredients: 2 Bunches Celery (What is the proper name...bushel, bunches, stalk group?)1/8 Cup Pumpkin Seeds2-3 Cups of...
Day 2 & 3 Juice Feasting!
Day 2 Juice Feasting 32 Oz. OJ32 O. OJ & Cucumber32 Oz. Manda's Green Juice (Recipe below) Kale, Celery, Cucumber, Apple, Lemon32 Oz. 3/4 Grapefruit, 1/4 OJ with some lemon juice 50 Oz. Manda's Green Juice Today was tough. More than...
Juice Feasting – Day 1 (For under $15!)
Juice Fasting: A concept so old yet just recently adopted as ''somewhat normal behavior'. From celebrities to cancer patients, juice fasting is an alternative therapy that focuses on eliminating all foods except for fresh, raw fruits and vegetables from ones diet,...
Make your own OJ for under $1
It’s citrus season! You know what that means? Oranges, grapefruits, and lemons – nature’s best alkalizers and detoxifiers are plentiful and pretty darn accessible. Because I’m an orange juice fiend and will admit I’m a bit addicted to the elixir of life, I decided to...
Raw Garden-Basil Crackers
While walking through the health-filled aisles of my local Whole Foods, a bag of garden-pesto crackers (not raw or vegan) caught my eyes and I was immediately intrigued about the prospect of such a cracker. Um, yum! And with an awesome client who loves to be surprised...
Raw {Easy} Blueberry-Vanilla Granola
Tis the Season with Raw Blueberry-Vanilla Granola! Hey friends! Who doesn’t love blueberries? These anti-oxidant powerhouses are full of vitamins, minerals, living energy, and darn delicious phytonutrients! There’s a reason they’re on the top-10 list of...
Raw SPICY Kale Chips!
I’m very heartbroken. Last week at work I created these AMAZING spicy (fiery!!) Kale chips that FLEW off our counter (I package them to sell for lovelies looking to bloom raw 😉 …and I LOST the recipe! (Or some Kale Chip leprechaun stole the recipe…) I’ve looked high,...
Raw Vegan Egg-Nog!
Hey everyone! So I acknowledge I’ve been somewhat …absent…during this month of December, and it’s because Detox December has been a heck of a fun ride! Week 1 we had new variations of smoothies every morning, week 2 had fabulous ‘alternative’ recipes, ranging from...
Raw Olive Bread Recipe
Raw, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Soy-Free & Delicious! A delicious combination of sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, herbs, and raw olives! I’m sure I’ve mentioned many times my creativity and raw art mainly happen in the kitchen at my workplace. Blessed to work as a raw &...
"Better-than-Cheez-Its" Crackers!
Remember those greasy, cheeeeesy goodness-filled crackers you so heartily munched on in your younger days? Well so do I. In fact, I was somewhat of a junk-food addict in my crazy adolescent years…. I could binge on Pringles, Cheez-its, Doritos (with ketchup and...
ThanksLiving at the Tree of Life in Patagonia!
Welcome blissful beings! Happy Thanksgiving, I hope it was amazing for each and every one of you! I have a very special video I’d LOVE to share with you… Guess where I went this Thanksgiving? That’s right, the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center! Many might...
5 Morning Routines which will Transform your Day!
“Errrrr….. Is that the alarm already? I don’t want to get out of bed….*snooooooore***” Sound familiar? It seems everyone dreads the morning alarm, the annoying noise which never fails to remind you you’ve got work to do… that is, most everyone that doesn’t know the...
(Raw) Italian Pizza Poppers!
(Raw) Italian Pizza Poppers! With Cashew/Basil Pesto & Tomato Bruschetta! Hey lovelies! I’ve been promising this recipe not only online, but to some fabulous people I met at a raw potluck. Inspired by the Mediterranean theme of this raw potluck (which usually...
Spook-tacular Raw (Quick) Oatmeal Cookies
Spook-tacular Raw (& Quick) Oatmeal Cookies Halloween is almost here, that means it’s time for treats! No? I say Yes! With these Raw (and very easy) Oatmeal cookies, kiddos won’t need to know what they’re eating is healthy – all they’ll know is it’s delicious!...
Raw Curry Jicama Hashbrowns
My latest fascination – as I mentioned in my last post – is Curry powder. I get it from Chakra 4 Herbal Tea House & herb shop and just LOVE the energy, purity, and potency of all their medicinals. It tastes and smells sooooooo good, so what did I do? I created a...
Make your own Sundried Tomatoes! + Salt Free Curry Basil Spaghetti
If you’re like me and madly in LOVE with raw spaghetti (or spaghetti in general) having sun-dried tomatoes on hand is a MUST – they’re so versatile and make a delicious lycopene-rich marinara taste like (or better than) the real deal! The problem is, store-bought...
111 Year Old Bernard & Raw Vegan Potluck
I was very fortunate to be able to attend another raw vegan potluck in the area. This particular potluck in Mesa has been going on for over 12 YEARS, and this gathering was no different from the amazing atmospheres usually created by like-minded people. There are...
Raw Gaspacho, Nori Rolls, and What does a Fruitarian Eat?
Hey there! First – check out my new video – “What’s in a Fruitarian’s Kitchen!?” where I show you the inside look of how I shop, what I mainly eat, and yes…I even sing you a song at the end. And another great buy at Kodiak. This is why I stress: BUY IN BULK, BUY IN...
Mother Nature’s Milkshake
You’ll laugh, I know it. This recipe is so simple – yet people don’t know how good it is! I make this where I work ALL the time –and I’ve now gotten others at the vegan restaurant hooked on it as well! (In fact, I’m so proud, because some people are now making...
Dill-Mango Tomato Sauce with Zucchini Noodles!
There’s nothing like a light (low-fat), filling, and delicious raw meal that is bursting with fresh flavors, nutrients, and energy straight from the Earth. Because gourmet raw food forgets to focus mainly on living plant foods, I especially love this recipe I made up...
New Ebook! "22 Rawkin Smoothies for a Radiant You"! + Free recipe
Hello there wonderful people! Guess what? I've officially published my first e-book "22 Rawkin Recipes for a Radiant You!" All the recipes are super easy, delicious, and are loaded with amazing health benefits! In fact, each recipe has a fun fact about the health...
Marinara Pasta, Raspberry Cheesecake, & Green Smoothie Bliss
You’re interested in eating Raw and Living foods or at least adding them to your diet. Where to begin, though? (Click here to read the crazy side effects this might have) The following raw recipes are ones I believe every person should know how to make when...
RAW Macaroons, Chocolate Covered Strawberries, Vegan Cake, oh my!
Whoa, what?! You may be staring at your screen like, "She really has gone over the deep end, now"... I am bringing you Deliciouss recipes in this post. Yeah, be awed, inspired, bedazzled even... It's time for you to hone your Raw Dessert Making skills and get...
Raw Zucchini Spring Rolls w/ Sprouted Sunflower "Cheese" + Video(!) & Raw Potluck
Hey there lovely people! (Do I get an award for longest title ever?) Guess what?! I have finally committed to creating my first video in 3 YEARS! - It's a demo on how to create these raw recipes I'm always telling you are so good! I apologize for the length (9 1/2...
Banana Split Rolls – Dessert Trio Recipe!
This recipe is long overdue. Unfortunately I did not make them for the Café like I mentioned we planned earlier. However, the folks of Sturgis, SD thought these were phenomenal, and they’re the type of people who think vegan = yucky. Be Amazed. Somewhat work intensive...
Tomato Soup Crackers
We’ve had an abundance of tomatoes (from Bountiful Baskets) and I’m leaving on my Phoenix trip, so I decided to make some crackers! These are so simple and they also can be used as Flax WRAPS – which are so amazing. Yield: 3 Excalibur Dehydrator Trays Prep Time: 20...
Surthrival Granola!
Surthrival Granola This should be a staple in life. (Maybe I should just start making it and create a boomin business!) Whatever – anyways, this is a granola I created for travel, but it’s so FULL of goodness it makes a great snack, breakfast food, or even meal if...